In what ways are people today being convinced to spend money beyond their means? to Ask – 181 points –

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Additionally, going out to eat has many hidden costs, like liquor tax in some cities on an already overpriced drink. Soda or Iced tea is $2.50 or more. Now add tax and tip and your $7 cheeseburger & coke is $25.

It's not for everyone, but my family has been enrolling in CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) produce. It's cheaper and local. Granted, I'll get 3 eggplants in a box one week and I need to get creative to be able to use it, but that's part of the fun. I've expanded my produce repertoire 5-fold and now know how to cook fennel.

  1. Quarter the fennel lengthwise
  2. Spread olive oil, coarse salt and pepper
  3. Roast in the oven until the edges starts to brown
  4. Devour

I'm assuming that's the bulb. What about the stalk?

Put them in a salad maybe? I usually buy just the bulbs...

devour indeed. I also had a recipe for fennel lemonade that I made with the tops.