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Joined 6 months ago

Ditto. The security department made the push because too many people were installing unapproved addons like ublock. They are mandating chrome, "for security". LMAO

The irony is that people are signing into chrome with personal gmail and leaking stuff.

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While this is an incredible travel speed, I wouldn't consider it "hitting supersonic" speeds based on ground speed. I read the article wondering about the safety of passenger aircraft at 800MPH, but it seems to not apply.

I'm not a pilot, though.

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I like to think that using FOSS daily, singing its praises to everyone and filing out the occasional bug report counts.

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The ironic thing is that when I write it down, then I remember it without needing the list (I can see the note in my head), but if I don't write it down, I forget it. It's not exactly a list, but my home and office spaces are littered with post-it notes.

It's no surprise that I'm a visual person.

This is like those sites where you just need that recipe for the Bloomin' Onion sauce because you forgot one ingredient and you get the life story of the author:

"We were riding on horseback around Tuscany when my riding boot got scuffed by the buckle, so we stopped by a local cobbler to repair it while we listned to the church bells of a nearby..."

3 screens later...

"There was an Outback Express at the airport and I asked the waiter..."

"Horseradish" Oh yeah!

I'm using "did I take my meds" from F-Droid. It's not for everyone, but I love that it's privacy focused and FOSS. It can also track when you're getting low and need to reorder.

a friend of mine will eat the whole sunflower seed including the shell. This confuses me.

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I think you're saying that we should be giving parents the tools to parent their kids and the accountability to take responsibility when their parenting affects others negatively.

I've been saying this for years.

Additionally, going out to eat has many hidden costs, like liquor tax in some cities on an already overpriced drink. Soda or Iced tea is $2.50 or more. Now add tax and tip and your $7 cheeseburger & coke is $25.

It's not for everyone, but my family has been enrolling in CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) produce. It's cheaper and local. Granted, I'll get 3 eggplants in a box one week and I need to get creative to be able to use it, but that's part of the fun. I've expanded my produce repertoire 5-fold and now know how to cook fennel.

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I couldn't find this one, but if you're interested in playing vintage games, has a pretty good list. They also had a way to play some of these in-browser, but I can't find it now.

I'm so glad you asked. I had improperly was referring to native or indigenous peoples from tribal land. I couldn't figure out why all the hate.

I came here to say this. Partly due to behavioral changes on my part, DDG's results have been closer to what I'm looking for. At school, they block DDG on the WiFi, so I use Google there and I have to flick past many ads and results that look good from the summary, but have nothing to do with what I'm looking for when load the page.

The question was about keeping the occupants comfortable with minimal fuel energy. So far, this is the only answer that factors in the human element of cooling the occupants with their own sweat. Frankly, I'd take a 5F warmer day with a breeze over a 5F cooler day with no breeze. The same goes for in a car.

On a hot day, I'll start with the windows open and AC running just to push the hot air out and give the AC a lower ambient starting temperature, but the question wasn't about how to cool the car the fastest.

As Cory Doctrow says, voting with your dollar is a fixed game because he who has the most dollars wins. Not to discourage it, though, because that would be pretty hypocritical to publicly condem the same store that you shop at, for example.

devour indeed. I also had a recipe for fennel lemonade that I made with the tops.

I had to check the username on this comment to ensure that it wasn't me posting this. I've said these words verbatim.

1040EZ, $0, $0, $0, $0.

Taxes done

good analogy! If that's the case, then I can paddle a canoe 10mph (downstream, with a "tail" wind).