The problem with standalone VR and "spatial computing" to – 75 points –
The problem with standalone VR and "spatial computing"

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I was hoping for free :( BUT $150 for Zeiss lenses is pretty ok price wise. (especially when we are complaining about $150 on top of a $3500 device)

I could wear contacts if I wanted to, but glasses look good on me and hide a scar that I have on my nose and eye. I keep thinking that I should probably just do a Drew Carey. Get contacts and put non prescription lenses in my frames.

Glasses can be an inconvenience with vr glasses, ski goggle, helmets, face masks, night driving, etc.

Honestly, I think contacts are the best option. The Zeiss lenses move the headset slightly heavier and worse move it further away from your face creating a lever action amplifying the weight issue.

You can still wear glasses. Just don't put a prescription in them.

Personally I love my glasses and have never tried contacts, but I think I'll switch to contacts when this product category is more mature.

Can you do laser correction? If so, that seems even better than the contacts situation.

LASIK is a great option, especially if you're younger. A lifetime of contacts and glasses adds up.