The US economy is doing well. President Biden wants to know why so many Americans are still feeling bad to politics – 302 points –
The US economy is doing well. President Biden wants to know why so many Americans are still feeling bad | CNN Politics

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Hmm , in 2020 the interest rates for buying a house was around 3.1%, now it's around 6.8%. When we're pricing people out of the ability to afford housing (interest rates going up affects rent prices too, who knew) people will be rather upset... especially given that they see little to no benefit from this "good economy" given the layoffs in certain sectors, the gas prices being over 9000, and not one, but two wars abroad where at least one of the parties in each is perfectly fine targeting civilians.

But hey, at least Google and Amazon are raking in the profits, I guess.

Okay but did you read that the economy is doing good? Try reading it again.

Couldn't get to the market to get my copy, gas is about $57554.66 a gallon.

At least three wars abroad where at least one side is targeting civilians :(

Yeah, at this point I'm losing track. Gotta love how the "good guys" stand idle and let people get slaughtered.