
1 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Probably the most relevant line in the entire article:

a series of polls have suggested Biden will narrowly beat Trump in the November vote. But with eight months to go, and the polls so tight, this could change and a number of polls have also indicated that Trump will win the election.

Whether Biden wins or loses is going to come down to how well he engages people in key states. Outside of the "blue no matter who" crowd, people have decidedly mixed feelings about voting for a candidate whose strongest argument is that he isn't Trump. Everything from events in the weeks leading up to the election to the weather (which affects Dems more than Reps) will matter, so rather than leaning on polls that suggest a victory... it might be wise to end those behaviors and policies that have human rights advocates concerned.

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Oh, so he only wanted to be a dictator for the FIRST day. Got it, sir.

That anyone supports this fetid fecal stain is beyond my comprehension.

15 more...

I've been browsing older Forgotten Realms sourcebooks and the love that the authors put into those is amazing. It hurts to see D&D and the worlds I grew up loving destroyed by a soulless entity that cares only about profit.

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Not quite, but pretty close. You still hold copyrights in anything protected by copyright for example. They just have a perpetual license to use your work. We really ought to be working on laws to protect privacy and limit corp content piracy without explicitly clear opt-ins.

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Name them, shame them. They deserve the notoriety that their racist behavior offers.

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Part of it is either Reddit manipulating search positioning or Google (most people's default search) prioritizing Reddit results. Searching for answers to questions often results in a half page of Reddit links. They may not be relevant, but that doesn't become apparent until you're there.

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I've seen space vampires enslave circus clowns in a plot to corner the world's market on instant ramen, too.

Source: Trust me bro.

I've made the "promotion later" mistake once. I was as new at what I do as he was; taught me not to trust corps to do the right thing if it isn't in writing and even then, not.

I mean, they let themselves get bought by Yahoo and they banned erotic art. Its like they want to fail.

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Someone should tell Netanyahu that the list of human rights atrocities isn't a fucking pokedex. You're not supposed to collect them all.

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  1. Because "closing the border" is a nonsense statement that doesn't account for the reality of the border abd its size. Thousands of miles of border means it is nearly impossible to patrol even a small fraction of it.

  2. People working for super low wages is a product of policy and exploitation. Making it easy and legal to immigrate for work is the right answer, as is enforcing labor law.

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"No arrests were made."

That's because erasing Palestinians is the goal of the Israeli government. They will not be happy until all of the Palestinians have fled or are dead.

Sounds achingly familiar.

Except that's not true. Somehow, 23andme missed the almost certainly anomalous activity on thier network that lead to the extraction of 6.9 million users' data. Missing the activity associated with the massive data dump, designing thier system to allow for that? 100% thier fault.

One should not be able to use a set of hacked accounts to dump that much data. That's a design flaw.

Dunno, but I can tell you my opinion on the cockwaffle in these comments calling women sluts, if you like?

Biden is talking out of both sides of his mouth. He hand wrings over refugees while cutting 350 million in aid to relief efforts. He pretends to seek a ceasefire while providing monetary and equipment to a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

That he is the "best" likely choice in the next US election is utterly embarrassing.

Hmm , in 2020 the interest rates for buying a house was around 3.1%, now it's around 6.8%. When we're pricing people out of the ability to afford housing (interest rates going up affects rent prices too, who knew) people will be rather upset... especially given that they see little to no benefit from this "good economy" given the layoffs in certain sectors, the gas prices being over 9000, and not one, but two wars abroad where at least one of the parties in each is perfectly fine targeting civilians.

But hey, at least Google and Amazon are raking in the profits, I guess.

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I wonder what it's like to support a candidate who disqualifies himself by violating the Constitution he once swore to uphold?

The orange insurrectionist fucked around. Let him find out.

You know what else is over the top, you evil old fuck? Cutting off 350 million in aid to refugees because Israel lied and claimed relief workers were HAMAS.

Biden is banking on his sycophants taking him at his utterly worthless word.

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And he won't because he's 100% onboard with this, which is both disappointing and unsurprising. The only way we get better policy is to elect better candidates.

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Given that the system is heavily skewed toward incumbency, your comment is a bit disingenuous. We both know that the DNC intended Biden to run. He had the advantage of thier coffers, thier PR machine, and the support of their leadership. Implying that the playing field was at all fair ignores reality.

I do agree, though, that Biden's many faults are his own. His most recent failure, support for ethnic cleansing and denial of aid to refugees, should have made him unelectable by the party that claims to be pro-human rights... but here we are, with him as the best of two terrible candidates.

11 more...

Gotta say, I'm not a... fan.

Yeah, my partner really likes the art but we're both aware that MtG was just the real world precursor to the current micro-transaction culture.

You may be finsexual:


Basically, finsexuals are attracted to feminine presenting people independent of sex or gender. If I understood you correctly, its the feminine presentation that appeals to you?

8 more...

You misspelled "terrorists."

As we look at usage of that and the number of people that were redeeming those and using them, it was just not a feature that was available in Crunchyroll and isn’t in our roadmap.

I'll translate corporate dickhead for those in need.

"We determined that the number of people who would be impacted would be low enough to avoid real blowback, so we decided to fuck those people in the Crunchyroll with a rusty Buster Sword because really, who cares what some anime nerd thinks anyway?"

Ideally, they would be forced to honor the "forever" promise in perpetuity. Alternately, forcing them to issue physical copies of equivalent quality to every impacted customer for every title they were to have "forever" access to would be reasonable. Plus, you know, a massive 'acting like complete dicks' penalty for trying to pull this nonsense.

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"Incompetent" is a stretch. No chance of winning, perhaps, but that's only true because the two major parties continue to work together to make it true. Colluding with a fledgling fascist dictator to lock out other competition and then smirking about "wasted votes" maybe be stabard operating procedure but it shouldn't be.

Trump is a monster. Biden is not a good person. Let's kick then both to the curb and agree to support someone who isn't an objectively terrible person.

12 more...

Constantly having issues

You're going to see a lot of issues on Linux boards because people go to then for help. I've been running Linux since 2020 and though there have been hiccups, its been remarkably reliable. Having said that, when there ARE issues, it can take some digging to find answers.

Is it not stable

Moreso than Win 11, in my experience. I use Win 11 at work and I've needed a system wipe twice. Once because networking just... stopped... and once because appx apps decided not to load.

Ongoing issues

Plugging PopOS as a good "set and forget" distro that is easy to grasp. The workflow is very MacOS and the tweaks they've made make for a friendlier interface v Ubuntu, IMO.

What happened: Israeli government began a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

What also happened: Terrorists, emboldened with the belief that they would not be punished, targeted innocent civilians for violence.

What finally happened: Nothing, authorities did fuckall because its exactly what they want to happen.

And they (Boeing) get a slap on the wrist and a waggled finger.

You know, aside from there being litttle merit to their claims and all. Israel is about as trustworthy as North Korea when it comes to their systematic ethnic cleansing.

But let's assume they were telling the truth, as genocidal ethnic cleansing monsters are prone to doing.

13 employees of 30,000 were accused of aiding HAMAS. That's 13 / 30000, or 0.0043% of the employees. Do tell me how that's sufficient justification to bar aid for millions.

Hint: It isn't, unless you are using it as a pretext.

The sad day when the "good" choice "only" supports a systematic ethnic cleansing campaign, in deed if not in speech.

Biden is entirely beatable, but it would take Democrats stepping up and nominating a candidate that wasn't the equivalent of soggy toast.

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These results are interesting, though the article does note that the overall results seem to map along party lines for mote contemporary presdients (with notable exceptions, like Clinton.) In case anyone wonders, the polling pool was:

"...current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association ... as well as scholars who had recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses."

So, not a general survey in case anyone wonders.

Edit: I do wonder how balanced this survey was, though... if Obama was 6th and 15h and Biden was 13th among Democrats and 30th among Republicans, and nonetheless 14th overall, it does suggest that the poll was heavily skewed toward Democratic respondents. Nothing wrong with that, just food for thought.

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Bisexual is defined as attraction to more than one gender, where gender is a component of the attraction. So if you 96% like one gender, 3% another, and 1% yet another, that's bi. If you're 60/40, that's bi too. Bi = multiple genders where gender plays a factor. It has never meant only 50/50.

Pansexual is attraction to people where gender doesn't play a role. Pansexuals' patterns may look like a bisexual's patterns because they date across genders, but the attraction matrix is different.

Finsexual (Gynesexual) is attracted to feminine traits generally. Whether penis or vagina, it is the femininity they like. I can speak to this as this is me. I like feminity, not necessarily women particularly. I use bisexual as shorthand because most people "get" that.

Solid definitions:


With respect, bullshit.

"Closing the border" is a meaningless statement where the southern US border is concerned. More than a thousand miles of border, much of it sparsely inhabited, and he's going to secure it all?


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Are you sure you want to do that? -The GM

That healthcare bit hit home. Been trying to get treatment for 9 months. Docs spent a lot of my money doing nothing. I got tired of trusting, read peer journals, put together my own plan using promising options, have the first actual sustained relief I've seen since last May.

$100 OTC versus like $6000 in tests, scans, and fuckery.

I guess it beats the NHS, partner can't even get seen for a fractured vertebrae. "Do PT first."

I am 100% not taking that one for the team thanks.

As soon as the system doesn't shitcall over anyone who isn't the anointed from the elite reds and blues, I suppose. Maybe next run of this simulated world?

If America was truly as progressive as some people thought, a third party could sweep the Democrats with a popular progressive candidate

In a word, no. The GOP and the DNC actively collude to ensure that no one else can compete.

No you don’t. Because you have 2 options: Biden or Trump. If you are considering Trump as a legitimate pick, then just say you’re a fascist

So our choices are 1) fascists who support a fascist or 2) ethnic cleansing apologists who are 100% okay with voting for the man supplying weapons and aid to those committing the cleansing.

The only way to find out is to send me all of your money.

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