Taylor Swift threatens legal action against Florida student who tracks her jet | CNN Business

JustAManOnAToilet@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 711 points –
Taylor Swift threatens legal action against Florida student who tracks her jet | CNN Business

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When you state something that is in line with the statements of terrible people it is prudent to denounce those people or otherwise say you are unaffiliated with their overall platform.

Yes, people shouldn’t assume that you are saying more than you are, but it is still prudent to understand that people will make those assumptions. It shows self awareness.

Normally, I would agree with you. But conservatives have been getting more fascist and have been making more calls for violence over the past decade. It’s a good idea to separate yourself from them if you don’t agree with those points.

But conservatives have been getting more fascist and have been making more calls for violence over the past decade

how many riots were carried out by conservatives in the last 10 years?

The most well knows is the January 6th riot in DC. But I don’t think that’s the best metic for violence.

How many rioters have actually killed people?

Then how many conservative police officers have killed unarmed suspects? What about during liberal riots? How many women’s lives have been lost due to abortion bans because of conservatives? How many people have died because of lethal measures taken at the us/mexico border because of conservative policies? How many Palestinians have been killed by conservative Israeli Zionists? How many Ukrainians have been killed by conservative Russians? How many people have been killed by conservative Filipino police? How many Rohingya have died in Myanmar?

How many Palestinians have been killed by conservative Israeli Zionists? How many Ukrainians have been killed by conservative Russians? How many people have been killed by conservative Filipino police? How many Rohingya have died in Myanmar?

No bearing at all in this conversation. We can do nothing about those in other countries. But good job deflecting the question.

You are the one limiting this to the US

well we cant very well legislate other countries so yeah.

Yes, ignore that people other than Americans participate in discussions on this website.

But America constantly meddles in the affairs of other countries. And it’s routinely the conservatives who vote to fund wars and destabilization efforts.

And it’s routinely the conservatives who vote to fund wars and destabilization efforts

are you sure about that? there's one side funding war right now and it isn't republicans.

Mainline democrats in the US are conservative.