Canadian rule to – 523 points –

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Not everyone is cut the same

Some get more, and some get less cut off.

Sounds like you were fortunate and got less cut off.

Circumcision is common in US, mentioning lotion with masterbating is common.

Like you said, no one would use lotion unless they had to.

This is getting to some Q levels of cope and rationalization.

Neither is as big of a deal as weird Internet people want to make it out to be.

Personally, I'm glad I had it done as an infant rather than risk needing it done at 13 years old.

Genital mutilation is a big deal

People get angry at piercing infant ears, but somehow cutting off foreskin is normal.

What if we were ripping off infant fingernails?

Studies have shown that a lot of bacteria collect under them, and if we removed the fingernails, kids would get sick less.

Why don't you get your appendix removed as an infant?

You wouldn't want to risk it rupturing as an adult

Foreskin is natural. The likelihood of you needing it removed is slim to none.

Just look at all the other countries that don't circumcise. Are all the adults getting circumcised later in life? No.

The problem is you don't know how good it is to have foreskin. It's like you growing up with no fingernails. You wouldn't know how good fingernails were.