Can money buy happiness? Income may boost emotional well-being more than we thought to World – 211 points –

Money does indeed buy happiness, and it increases with a bigger paycheque more than economists previously believed, a recent analysis has found.


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Money buys security and stability. The whole "money doesn't buy happiness" schtick is just something rich people tell poor people to keep them in line. Or so they think

Money itself doesn't bring happiness, though, it's just one way of removing roadblocks to happiness.

A person suffering emotional distress and depression won't suddenly be cured when handed a sack of money. Especially if the distress and depression isn't financially motivated.

Our society is particularly monetarily motivated, so a lot of barriers in life are financial. But they are not all the barriers to happiness that exist.

In my experience it's something poor people tell themselves and each other, to the same end.