Reddit Refugees on Lemmy, how are you guys liking lemmy so far? to – 1020 points –

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I was on Reddit for over 8 years, nearly entirely using Apollo. It was frustrating to arrive “late” to a thread and only see funny jokes, and have any comments buried if you bothered to make one. Here, it is nice to actually have a conversation with posters and maybe you might actually see them again someday.

Maybe the difference between having a conversation at your favorite pub with good friends versus yelling at someone in the stands at a football stadium. It is nice to be seen and heard.

Weird anecdote here. When Reddit went to hell I just joined an instance in my country with I think 20-30 people in that moment so we always watched the same names in post a comments, and we laughed about it.

Next thing I known, somehow I just made my self some new friends, so yeah, its weird felling the slowlynees of here, but its especial, its own thing different to Facebook, Tumblr, or even Mastodon, I like it.

Same. Social climate over niche availability.

I like the ability to talk to people not just be an invisible upvote or downvote. And honestly, I did very little voting because it was just a way to scroll mindlessly. Here, it feels like it matters.