Firefox Devs Working on Tab Previews to – 585 points –
Firefox Devs Working on Tab Previews - OMG! Ubuntu

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I can already read the title of the page and see the favicon, so it actually doesn't show new information. If I accidentally move my mouse there it covers a big part of the page i'm looking at

If you have many tabs opened:

I can already read the cropped title of the page and see the multiple favicon

cropped title of the page

To be super pedantic (sorry), that depends on how they've customized their UI. You can define a larger minimum tab width, if you'd like. Almost everything in Firefox is customizable.

That is nice and yeah, I'm talking about the default experience you can get with Firefox for macOS, if it is any different in any other OS I wouldn't know, now if you know about a good customizing guide I'd appreciate it...

There's a bunch of different ways you can customize it.

  • Default right click -> customize toolbars fore simple rearranging of toolbars, density setting and stuff
  • Changes made in about:config (such as "browser.tabs.tabMinWidth")
  • And the most powerful but difficult, userChrome.css. The UI of Firefox is actually defined by CSS. More info:

EDIT: Oh and there are of course addons and themes too

When I shop online, I have many tabs from the same site open. The tab title is the store name + the item name, so the item name never fits. A bunch of identical ebay icons is way worse than this.

I understand it may be useful for some people, but I'm simply not one of them

But that’s not what you wrote. You claimed that it doesn’t show new information because you can see the favicon and title. It does show new information.