The official reddit app is not even supported on my device. to Mildly – 1507 points –

Well i am certainly not using reddit on my tablet anymore.


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I mean, look at the facebook app. They had to do "optimizations", because they ran into limits of Android's Dalvik a few years back.

More than a few years back - they've long since replaced dalvik with ART.

Or i confused dalvik with art. Don't know anymore. Facebook app got leaner?

No, it's just been about 10 years since they had that issue. Facebook mitigated it by splitting its services into multiple apps.

Huh, time flies.

Tell me about it. Dalvik was replaced by the ART in Android 4.4 Kitkat IIRC, which is what my Nexus 7 shipped with back in 2013. Feels like 3 years ago rather than 10.