Does lemmy have a way to show the number of downvotes / up votes? to Ask – -9 points –

I'm using wefwef and I only see the total number for a post. So +15 or - 12 or whatever.

That's how it is on reddit and I believe it's one of the main reason discussion turned so toxic. Everyone is just looking at the number and deciding if a point is valid.

Seeing a comment with -1000/+900 is a lot different than just seeing - 100.

I believe it fosters toxicity and stifles discussion.


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I'm on desktop at the mo but I just loaded up in Chrome and it shows a little smiley/emoji with a percentage beside it. I upvoted this post and it stayed on 100%, I downvoted and it changed to 91%.

Interesting, yes I see that too, so maybe that means the API does expose both numbers just wefwef doesn't display the downvote count. I don't see a setting in the app for it, did you find anything?

There's no setting to change that behavior that I can see but it's clear that there could be a setting for it.