Biden Denounces Trump’s Support for Russian Attack on Allies as ‘Un-American’ to politics – 441 points –
Biden Denounces Trump’s Support for Russian Attack on Allies as ‘Un-American’

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Biden's right to say this. It is.

“No other president in our history has ever bowed down to a Russian dictator”

what did obama mean when he told vlad he would have more flexibility after the election?

He told that to Medvedev, not Putin. It was about negotiations with regard to the NATO Missile Defense System, and that system exists today (though it is behind schedule partially due to congressional budget decisions).

No link? Must be bullshit.

He's probably talking about Obama's "hot mic" gaffe, where he told Medvedev (not Putin) that he would have "more flexibility" on negotiations (about the NATO missile defense system) after the election.

It's a real thing that really happened, but it's also a GOP talking point that first Romney and then a whole bunch of House Republicans picked up and ran with for pretty much Obama's entire second term. But the NATO Missile Defense System was built despite Romney's doomsaying; that said, McConnell and his do-nothing congress managed to reduce funding for the system during the first half of Trump's administration, so that it's behind schedule now.

Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.

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