Russia places Estonia’s prime minister on wanted list to World – 177 points –
Russia places Estonia’s prime minister on wanted list | CNN

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Biggest response to a threat is sometimes not to hear it.

Yeah this lead 2014 to the annexing of crimea...Putin took it and nobody responded to it properly

Yeah but after that he clearly learnt his lesson!

Yeah but after that he clearly learnt his lesson!

as an ukranian I really cant't laugh at that. This whole appeasement idea to avoid conflict does not work with cunts like putin. They understand only one language and see everything else as weakness and confirmation of their twisted mindset & behaviour.

You're right, it's not really a laughing matter at all, I just don't know what else to do with the whole cruel and absurd situation. I'm really sorry your people are being subjected to this unforgivable shitshow. I believe you will win and the world will know not to fuck with Ukrainians again.

I just don’t know what else to do with the whole cruel and absurd situation.

Keep your dark humor, you did nothing wrong :) Everybody has a different way to handle these dark times we are living in and (dark) humor is a perfectly fine way to tackle it.