this almost happen to anybody else during gamer(ule)gate days? to – 320 points –

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My best friend had this happen to him. Except he's over 30.

He now worships T×m P×ol, El×n M×sk, and J×e R×gan. He also thinks that Tr×mp is "the ultimate epic troll".

He finally started saying that c×vid is fake & trans folks should be "purged". He also still thinks that you can catch AIDS from a toilet seat or a handshake.

His critical thinking skills have eroded to the point where I don't even recognize him anymore. He just parrots talking points from grifter podcasts.

We are no longer friends. I miss the "old" him everyday.

Why the fuck are you censoring what you post? You're not going to get banned for wrongthink, this isn't reddit.

Because bad actors will search these terms and harass you for speaking ill of them, no matter the platform.

Not sure why you're being aggressive over someone taking precautions to protect themself.