Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny dead, prison service says

ArtikBanana@lemmy.dbzer0.com to World News@lemmy.world – 1215 points –
Jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny dead, prison service says

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I get your point. He is a bad guy, so we should focus on that, rather than the fact that he probably was poisoned for the second time by a political opponent.

We should for sure upvote this article about a video from 17 years ago...

Guy bad, so we must kill /s

And these bloodthirsty tankies dare call leftists warmongers for not siding with Putler's Russia in Ukraine...

That's one thing the bourgeois democracies in the West get right: dissidents shouldn't be jailed and killed, even though it has happened in the past. If you can't guarantee that, fuck your whacky "socialism with Chinese caracteristics", cosplay communist.

Guy bad, so we must kill

Strawman argument. Can't expect better.

Also, I don't see any sympathy among liberals for Julian Assange, who's a jounalist and a legitimate political prisoner.

It's not a strawman, it's an obvious exaggeration to mock OP's positions as being primitive. Stop using debatebro vocabulary you don't understand. Try having an original thought.

About Julian Assange, despite the guy being kind of a dipshit, he has my sympathies, and I hope he'll be judged properly. I also hope the US will someday get better whistleblower laws. Because it hurts people doing good and brave work.

Chelsea Manning is out of prison alive and transitioned (wouldn't have happened in Russia). Snowden was exiled, but didn't drink polonium tea or spend a day in prison. Both of these guys blatantly broke the law, however bad the law is. It's not laws that were invented to jail them. They weren't jailed just for "vibes".

It’s not laws that were invented to jail them. They weren’t jailed just for “vibes”.

Ignorance is rewarded with upvotes here.

Assange is being tortured for the crime of publishing facts.


-Joint open letter by Nyt, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel and El País.

Not that it would make the slightest difference to the lib cult.

We all know what happened to Assange. There are crucial differences with Navalny, like the fact that the US hasn't laid a single finger on him yet. Stop trying to change the subject.

The subject was: your smearing of Navalny's name is despicable. Yes, the guy is no angel, and we're not saying he should be president. Who Russia's president should be is for Russians to decide. But he did not belong in a gulag.

Wow you made quite a stretch from what I actually said. Try to understand nuance, politics isn't always black and white. People who criticise one thing don't have to support the biggest alternative

I wasn't saying him dying was good, but I was saying that the people acting like he is some kind of perfect hero are ignorant and deserve to be called out on it