What is something you do voluntarily to make other people‘s lives easier?

MrBakedBeansOnToast@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 125 points –

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I let people merge.

When I see someone doing something selfish, I assume they are having a bad day and give them grace rather than assume they are an asshole and try to teach them a lesson.

Live and let live.

I will make room for someone to merge if the person is using their signal, as long as it's safe to do so. I'm not going out of my way to help folks who can't be assed to do the bare minimum.

Why not? So many people put in extra energy specifically to block people who try to merge late, without a blinker, or for any other asinine reason. Just let them in and go on with your day. We all make mistakes when driving or forget to use our blinker occasionally.

Give them the benefit of the doubt and just be kind.

For me it's usually the one you can see bobbing and weaving in and out of traffic just to get 1 more spot ahead in heavy traffic. That person will cause a wreck at some point driving like that. I'll actively prevent them from getting ahead of me until there is adequate room for them to gain some separation once they go by. If they're doing crazy shit right in front of me and wreck, I might not have any way to avoid that. If they're doing that a mile down the road, it's on me of I can't avoid that wreck.

I'm not going to fight them and if they are weaving in and out and could be dangerous I'm just getting out of the way and staying away from them so they don't hit me.