The official Reddit app on the Google play store has 3.3 stars. If you've used Reddit and don't agree with that rating, be sure give it your two cents! to – 418 points –

Don't want anyone browsing the Play Store to be misled!

Iphone users, I'm assuming your version of the play store is in similar need of some upkeep.

The review comment would be a good place to pitch the fediverse, too.


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I disagree with that rating because it should be 5 stars. Thank you Reddit for making a very high quality app!

Are you seriously on a one man mission to try to convince people on Lemmy to come back to reddit? What a miserable endeavor. Just return to Spez's sweet teet and stop trolling. You aren't going to change minds here and these efforts will not bring you happiness. You are free to ignore me, but suggest you meditate on this choice at least.

No, but thanks for the new copypasta kind stranger!