Treedome 0.4 Released to Open – 161 points –

Treedome is a local-first, encrypted, note taking application with tree-like structures, all written and saved in your computer

Currently you can only try it by building it yourself, instruction here. But .deb and nixpkgs update is planned to follow suit though! You can also try an outdated one in

Tell me what you think about it!


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Hi, I maintain the AUR package. Didn't know the repo got moved to codeberg! If you could let me know when the deb is released that would be great, I'll be able to update it then :)

Glad to know youre around! Sorry for the no contact, had no idea how to. You got email/matrix/codeberg user where i can contact?

My matrix should be on my lemmy user page and I've just stared your repo on codeberg. I'm gonna watch it and I should get notified whenever a new release happens