Israeli protesters block aid convoys bound for Gaza

Lee to World – 189 points –
Israeli protesters block aid convoys bound for Gaza

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To be called an antisemite by someone who applauds the genocide of 20k children is an honor. Rot in shit

When did u see that I applauded that? But don’t expect us to give them flowers neither. You are just hatred in your comments while I told you what really happens here.

Keep faking numbers taken from terror organization. Believe all their lies.

What about our children? Our ppl? Hostages still there, the people which were killed, raped, I personally know a pregnant woman which was killed and her belly cut open. You don’t care. I care.

If you want you can join Hamas and their cause next time to impose your fake morality, be a “liberator” by taking drugs and stealing money from the palestinians, leave them in shithole and praise the death and war by killing us. But then don’t complain when we attack back, ok?

Those aren't fake numbers by a terrorist organization, and the fact you are parroting easily disproved lies shows how ignorant you choose to be, especially when israeli officials agree with the death toll

You demand sympathy from the world while defending a genocide. You don't have my sympathy, you don't have an excuse to support genocide, and your hypocrisy is disgusting.