Reddit's licensing deal means Google's AI can soon be trained on the best humanity has to offer — completely unhinged posts

Lee to – 1003 points –
Reddit's licensing deal means Google's AI can soon be trained on the best humanity has to offer — completely unhinged posts

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Think of the range of uses that’ll get totally whitewashed and normalized

  • “We’ve added AI ‘chat seeders’ to help get posts initial traction with comments and voting”
  • “Certain issues and topics attract controversy, so we’re unveiling new tools for moderators to help ‘guide’ the conversation towards positive dialogue”
  • “To fight brigading, we’ve empowered our AI moderator to automatically shadow ban certain comments that violate our ToS & ToU.”
  • “With the newly added ‘Debate and Discussion’ feature, all users will see more high quality and well researched posts (powered by OpenAI)”