Ain't no rule to – 1047 points –

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Different time. Air bud came out in 97. This was well before "woke" was a thing conservatives thought they were afraid of. 9/11 didn't happen yet. America was a very different place and America loved Disney. This would have been watched by a lot of gen x, both on the early end as parents, and on the late end as children. Millennials have seen it for sure, myself being one of them. I think the odds are pretty high that someone would catch on sooner rather than later.

I'm genx and have never seen it. Nothing to do with Disney but my wife and I quit our movie theater jobs right before that cane out and it took years for me to be able to pay to watch movies again after that. Years of free movies, private showings, etc had spoiled us.

Gen X was born before around 82, I think, so they were probably a bit old for Air Bud to be a childhood movie in 97. Definitely the older ones might have watched it with their kids, though.

As a younger Gen X, my memory of Air Bud is a young cousin giving me a long-winded description of the movie at Thanksgiving, but I never actually watched it lol

That's more so what I was meaning, my father's gen x from the early side and watched it with us as kids, including my older brother who's on the tail end of gen x. I guess it really does come down to proximity to millenials