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Honest question, is vibration that important of a feature in your opinion? I don't think I notice it all too much whether it's there or not, so I don't really have much of a preference and wouldn't consider this a deal breaker. I didn't realize people felt strongly about it. Is it an immersion thing?

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I appreciate the feedback! I'm primarily a kbm player, and I don't really play any racing games so I see how I totally would have missed that. Thank you for your response homie!

Thank you, that makes a lot of sense. I think my misunderstanding comes from being a kbm gamer and just not experiencing games that took proper advantage of those features. I kind of just assumed we were talking about the same rumble from a PS2 or 360 controller. I hadn't realized it's become so much more advanced.

Lmao, I think you and I share the same opinions on a lot of those things. I'm a very simple person, all those extra frills are wasted on me

I wholeheartedly agree with you, but in today's world, that doesn't matter to most people. I work in banking and the amount of people who willingly give their whole ass banking information to third parties is insane to me. I'm not talking like just their debit card number or their account and routing numbers, like legitimately their online banking sign in info, and they don't see any potential risk at all

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The supreme Court ruled that due to the wording, the punishment must be both cruel and unusual. This is for sure cruel, but it's not weird enough

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I feel like that doesn't get discussed enough. The supplements provided under trump hindered way more than they helped. Might I remind you that those were promised and then delayed because Trump wanted his fucking name printed on the checks. Outside of that, the paycheck protection program was a disaster! So many companies took advantage of that while shitting all over the employees that that was supposed to help. All the while, mom and pop shops and other local places got shafted because the mega corporations tapped the fund. Then it all got forgiven?? You've got what is essentially neutered unemployment benefits performed solely to act as a clout grab, and you've got hyper inflation into the absolute wrong end of the scale of where it should go. More people focus on the former instead of the latter like the latter never happened.

I took a cursory look through his involvement with recent bills, dude doesn't seem terrible on paper based on just that. Apparently he has some ties to big businesses, however he seems pretty pro union. He's also pro marijuana, and has done a good bit to try and expand Medicare coverage and general social securities for older folks.

These are just very quick assessments after going through his website, so there's probably definitely no bias there whatsoever and is totally transparent /s. I'm not saying he's the man, just not an awful choice to go for. Plus, he's not ancient

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Different time. Air bud came out in 97. This was well before "woke" was a thing conservatives thought they were afraid of. 9/11 didn't happen yet. America was a very different place and America loved Disney. This would have been watched by a lot of gen x, both on the early end as parents, and on the late end as children. Millennials have seen it for sure, myself being one of them. I think the odds are pretty high that someone would catch on sooner rather than later.

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How bout we go straight to deporting this fraud

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I'm sorry, isn't kellyanne Conway the one who abused the shit out of her daughter and used her political position to brush it under the rug? I don't think I'd like to take parenting advice from an abusive parent, but that may just be me

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As someone who works for one of the big five banks in the US, join a credit union. Banks and neo Banks are garbage and do not value you as a customer in the slightest

Is this satire? Maps help people find places, that's the concern?

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Tell them to message me, I'm down for their survey

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Are we just going to gloss over the fact that the FBI informant accused of working with the Russians is named Alexander Smirnov?? Like the vodka? I get that this is unfortunately real life, but the script writers are getting lazy

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Please no, I can't handle anymore heartbreak like that!

For real though, I'd be super excited to see more, especially as someone who hasn't and won't play the game

Now? You know both boebert and her ex-husband have criminal records, right? You know how they met? She was a minor, hanging out at a bowling alley and he, an adult, was walking around flashing his dick at children. I can't remember exactly what hers was, but I'm pretty sure it was an assault related charge or something

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Clearly she must be, the alleged tug she gave ted Cruz got her into Congress. She has headshots and more on a website for escorts allegedly she was in DC escorting around the same time ted Cruz got busted using escorts and somehow, little miss "my ex husband flashes his penis at minors, that's what I love him" ended up as a congressperson

Assuming it's just thrown in there, nothing really but the hope the trigger doesn't get caught on your pants button. If it's in a proper inside-the-waist holster, there's a trigger guard that makes sure the bang switch isn't accidentally hit. Outside of that, good trigger discipline will keep whatever genitals your packing safe

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I prefer "legal daddy" over "judge", much more horny

Nah, just his career and reputation. The man himself is still alive

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I think the problem is that reddit is suffering the same fate as Facebook. It's no longer a niche Internet community, it's been overrun by people who think it's hip and in. It's been taken over by people who speak some of the language, but don't get the culture. No one knows when the narwhal baconed anymore. Lemmy is exhibiting the earlier stages of reddit. Small groups that are growing, plus a looooot of star trek fans sprinkled throughout.

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I'd assume the logical way to eat that is with your hand. I feel like your choices are to manhandle the dangler and eat the bread first, or, you can hold it by the bread and fight the wiggler into your mouth. Both feel equally silly, but I'm down.

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The good advice is to just move on. The petty advice is to screenshot all of his bullshit where he flaunts the company he works for as well as whatever other unsavory bits he's posted and report it to his employers HR team. Just an idea, you could also bang his mom

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I'm only speaking for myself here, and I'm certain you're not going to like the answer I have to offer. That's not my problem. I don't like being advertised to. I don't like others telling me what I'll like or what to do. I'm a monster, I know, I also take pee breaks when commercials come on tv as well and I usually arrive late to movies so I can skip the previews.

Seriously though, I really don't care how they pay their bills, they're a dancing monkey on the sidewalk that I enjoy for a couple minutes and move on. If they can't afford to keep making content and quit, I'll just move onto the next channel that's still producing. It'll never run out, just like there's always going to be someone who sits through the ads or actually buys whatever their shilling. At the end of the day, it's their responsibility to make sure their shits handled, not mine. If they can't pay their bills, they should probably do something that offers a more steady income not obligated to give them my time in exchange for them getting money. They get my time in exchange for me being entertained, that's it. Maybe if they made content for enjoyment instead of money, they'd make better content.

Before we get to name calling, I am fully aware that this is a shit take, but it's the truth. I'm a cynic and I'm not very fun at parties either

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I'm so tired of searching for something specific, getting two or three results relevant to my search, then it just goes into my subscriptions and other recommended channels. I'm really really hoping a new video site comes up soon to replace YouTube. You can't even use YouTube as a video host anymore. I tried uploading some gameplay of me and my friends fucking around. Had music in the background. I put the video as unlisted, marked it as mature, I'm not a partner or anything that would get me paid, and YouTube refused to allow me to upload it without first muting the music parts. All I wanted was an easy way to share a personal video with my friends, but no, YouTube needs to make money off of every little thing that gets uploaded so I end up fucked even though I have no intentions of making "content".

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That's not even the best part. For most of those transfer services, you have fuck all for protection. From the bank's perspective, you authorized transfers between your account and whatever service. The transfer from your bank to the third party middle man is mostly indisputable. Those third parties provide shit protection for consumers since they're not held to any of the dispute related regulations like Regulation E. Accidentally send the wrong person a transfer through zelle? Get scammed buying a puppy on Cash app? Ripped off on an eBay sale through PayPal? Get fucked, that's your problem.

The silence switch on the left side of the iPhone has been around for forever

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It's a pitcher of a picture of milk, what's not to get?

Yeah wtf is up with that? That's what sold me on Google originally and now it's gone or completely ignored. I've since switched to duckduckgo. I honestly couldn't tell you if it was any better, but I'm so annoyed with Google results that anything's better

I used to have one of those. It's was definitely neat, and managed to survive a while, but I don't think it's a good idea. The biggest issue with something like this is that it adds more moving parts, which in turn increases wear and tear. For the screen to move, you'd need to either use a ribbon cable, or have weird contact points that only work in certain positions. Both of which aren't great. Ribbon cables flex for a bit, but eventually tear, meaning no screen. The goofy contacts is slightly better, but eventually the sliding mechanism may go out of whack and now it isn't making contact correctly.

Burner feels like such an old school term. I've more often heard "alt", "Smurf", or "finsta". The last being a portmanteau of fake Instagram account

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Unfortunately, this is exactly what I expected when I first heard this was in the works. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure theres plenty of people who enjoy halo infinite. I'm not one of them. The game wasn't well optimized at the time I played it, a few months after release. Skins were horrible and locked behind micro transactions. Maps were garbage, and matchmaking made it worse. I don't think I ever got into a match at the start, I was always backfilled. They promised a bunch of fixes/features and delivered on almost none of them. It sucks, Halo was a big part of my highschool years and now it feels like a really shitty money grab. The worst part about it, we have an example of a functioning money grab game, fortnite. People clown on it, but it's actually fun to play from time to time and I don't feel burdened by micro transactions like I do with halo infinite

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The last of us part 1, Pittsburgh, with Sam and Henry. Gets me every fucking time, even though I know exactly what's coming

I tried asking him, but unfortunately, he doesn't recall

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I do. Not as often as I'd like sometimes. I treat it like I'm writing a letter to someone who doesn't exist. It helps me vent whatever I've been struggling with, or take some pride in the things that have gone right for me. I feel weird talking about stuff like that with friends and family, so this gives me an empty void to talk into without worry of judgement. I started doing it a while ago after going through some therapy and it's been the one thing that's actually helped post-therapy. My journal lives in a Linux partition on my main PC through an encrypted file that has a different password than any I use elsewhere. No one that has access to that computer can navigate how I have Linux set up, nor would they know how to go through the terminal to decrypt the file. These protections are in place to ensure that no one sees anything they shouldn't. If you do journal, I recommend taking similar precautions, but I'm also not mentally well and paranoid to boot, so grain of salt and all that

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New FNAF lore?

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Fun fact: all of his kids were conceived artificially. I'm not poking fun at artificial insemination, mostly just pointing out that canonically, elon may never have fucked

My apologies, I haven't seen that yet

This feels like a binding of Isaac reference