Why is copy and paste so difficult for Linux to solve?

BaconIsAVeg@lemmy.world to Linux@lemmy.ml – 11 points –

It seems like for at least a decade every application/framework has had their own paste buffer, and honestly I'm surprised this isn't "just working" out of the box by now.

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Run pwgen, double click one of the passwords.
  3. Middle click in Terminal, the copied password pastes just fine.
  4. Switch back to Chrome, CTRL-V into the password field.
  5. Realize 5 minutes later when you can't login with the user you've just created, it's because the content you pasted into the password field was an URL you copied in Chrome 15 minutes ago.

And don't even get me started on vim/neovim having yet another copy/paste buffer.


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Have you tried ctrl+shift+c to copy from terminal?

Terminal shortcuts to copy and paste are different, because ctrl+<letter> may be a command

Yes, never have this problem thanks to the trusty ctrl+shift+c and ctrl+shift+v.

I have this problem the other way around, I always try to copy with ctrl shift c, out of muscle memory, but in chrome it opens up the devtools instead

You and me both. The worst is I have to use Teams for work and Ctrl+Shift+C is the shortcut to call the person you’re chatting with.

Yeah this is probably the best way to do it. I think(?) the middle-click copy/paste has a separate buffer so you should use it separately from ctrl+c and ctrl+v.