
15 Post – 321 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Game dev and Linux user

I can't stand the woke mob catering to people's allergies. Back in my day we would just suck it up and die.

"It's simple biology" mfs when the biology is complex.

Where's that iPhone comic about society

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Yeah that's it, thanks

There's already a location service for the browser you can turn on or off, this doesn't add any tracking that wasn't already there.

I swear every time Mozilla does anything people find some way to be negative about it.

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I mean I'm all for calling out companies pulling shady stuff, but it just loses it's value when you do it for every little thing no matter how innocuous it is.

It's not limited to Lemmy either, everyone compailed about their new simplified logo, thinking that the general Firefox brand logo would become the Firefox browser logo.


You're telling me that anticompetitive practices stifle competition?

For real though, this is great news. Glad the EU finally got apple to open things up a bit, even if it's only in the EU.

The idea of free software is extremely socialist/communist. People working together to create something that anyone can use for free, with profit being a non-existent or at least minor motivator.

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Seriously. I get feeling like you don't have much of a choice, but not voting is just giving up. Like, you're actively removing the little choice you have and handing democracy over to an overt fascist.

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#1 is just not being the default for 99% of devices. If someone gets a new computer, why would they go through the effort of installing a new os when the one it comes with works fine? Hell, I bet at least 50% of people in the market for a pc don't even know what an OS is.

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Your car keys have better range if you press them to your head, since your skull will act as an antenna. It sounds like some made up pseudoscience that would never work in practice or have a negligible effect, but it actually works.

Edit: idk if it's actually because your skull acts as an antenna, although that's what I've heard. I looked it up and it seems like it's your head acting as a reasonance chamber. Since your body is conductive, your head can bounce and amplify the radio signal.

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I think the the main reason is that they're private with no intention to go public. They're not beholden to random shareholders who know nothing about games and just want infinite growth, their decisions are actually made by people inside the company.

You can't run vlc? What kind of devices do you have?

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I'm thinking this too... like what's even the point of using denuvo if it's not applied day one? The whole point is to delay piracy so they sell more copies during launch week (in theory), so waiting until after day one completely ruins that since you can just pirate the easily cracked launch version.

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He got real close to an actual thought provoking comic here but just couldn't resist drawing that arrow just in case we're too dumb to get the message.

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Knowing OS is useful for download links.

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Normalize vectors.

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Sounds like people with voting. They love to tell you how it doesn't matter, and yet republicans put tons of effort into making it more difficult.

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YouTube isn't gonna give you brownie points for shilling for them

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Cool testament to flatpak's strengths. If an OS update makes a breaking change it won't affect the apps. Makes sense that it works backwards too but I never thought to do it.

Ah yes, I remember the civil rights movement where black Americans just politely asked politicians to please give them rights. And the gay rights movement where nobody was arrested. And the protests in Hong Kong which were very peaceful. And the non-provocative Tiennaman Square protest. And the protests for women's rights against the Taliban where no laws are being broken

Their ai makes up shit and they hail it as a technological innovation, it's only fair to make shit up about the ai.

They sent a full replacement after 1.5 years? Damn that's some good support.

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Some people want some sort of suggestion system. I figure as long as it's an opt-in choice, why not? Gives people what they want and makes the ecosystem more enticing. And at least it's an algorithm that's transparent rather than one controlled by a large corporation.

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Are they really subversions? A pure capitalist society is determined purely by incentives and the rules of economy (supply and demand and such). If it's in a business's best interest to do something unethical, they will do it. They will band together to price fix, they'll collaborate to pay workers the bare minimum, they'll create monopolys and duopolies to get the most money possible, because in a capitalist society, money is the #1 incentive. Government regulations are anti-capitalist policies to prevent these things from happening - although maybe not as effectively as they should be, given how things are.

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Vertical mice. I had occasional wrist pain from using a computer, which was annoying since then I'd had to take a break from the computer for about a day to recover. Got a vertical mouse and haven't had any issues since. Took maybe a day to get used to it too.

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Gonna boost this on mastodon.

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Keep hydrated. Eat food. Relax your eyebrows. If it's bright out, wear sunglasses.

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Actually though I don't understand wireless charging. You get slower, less efficient charging in exchange for what? Like two seconds saved by not having to plug it in? You can't even use it while it's charging.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this basically just better error reporting? It's not like it's gonna crash more often, it will just actually show log info if something catastrophic happens.

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Yeah he committed 34 felonies and has a plan to systematically criminalize anyone who isn't a cis white male, but I saw a faked video of Biden sitting down when there was no chair so really they're both the same.

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Idk, I feel like this is kind of reductive. I honestly more feel bad for troops and veterans. Recruitment takes advantage of people without much money or direction in life, promising things like a free college education, employment, and benefits for them and their family. Lots of people who join just don't have many other options. I opt to blame the system, not the people the system takes advantage of.

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Everyone knows about VLC but I don't think many people know it has a really good Android app! I use it as my primary music app and it's great. Even has android auto support and a surprisingly sleek interface.

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It's kinda cheating but The Beginners Guide is a game I think about all the time. As someone who makes things, the themes it explores about validation and the purpose for creating art really hit home.

For just a profound moment, the sun station in Outer Wilds. ::: spoiler HUGE spoilers It really marks a turning point in the game when you find that out. I assumed like most people that it was a classic tale of science gone wrong, and now I have to fix it. As a video game it's also really easy to assume that your goal is to fix everything - to save the solar system. But there is no villan, and no solution. You and everyone in the solar system will die and there's nothing you can do about it. It's a really powerful subversion of expectations that works well with the games themes. :::

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Of all the things to take from windows, this is one of the better ones. Especially if it gets more info in the future. For less tech-literate users, a screen like this is a lot better than a hard to read dump to a terminal.

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Also local elections can be decided by one vote and can be just as important.

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Yeah but it wasn't AI (the buzzword)

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Just update ublock origins sources. Go to the dashboard, filter lists, click "purge all caches" and then "update now."

I've actually moved away from vlc. It's had some weird issues with videos that MPV doesn't have. Plus, MPV has a much simpler interface which I like. I've also learned how to use ffmpeg to convert media so I don't need that functionality from vlc anymore.

It's still a great program though, especially for windows where there's not many better options.

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