The new Mammoth app is a much simpler take on Mastodon | The Verge to – 305 points –
The new Mammoth app is a much simpler take on Mastodon

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Some people want some sort of suggestion system. I figure as long as it's an opt-in choice, why not? Gives people what they want and makes the ecosystem more enticing. And at least it's an algorithm that's transparent rather than one controlled by a large corporation.

Definitely! The reason why many of us hate algorithms is that they are constantly pushed on us. Look at what Reddit was doing before they killed third party apps. One of the reasons I went to a third party app was to avoid the Reddit bs.

People who dislike algorithms can simply avoid this app while people who prefer a personalized feed can use this app.

I strongly believe the “algorithm of the future” is a locally-run, personalized content filter AI that you can train to wade through all the shit and find the diamonds. We have the technology right now, but nobody has put it all together yet.

Are there any good clients that has a good algorithm feed in android?

I figure as long as it's an opt-in choice, why not?

I think the algorithm is a necessity on social media. However even if you don't use it, it's still going to impact your experience. As long as it exists there will be people (and scammers) gaming it.