Trailer for Year Unknown - My solo indie project about exploring a very distant future. to – 69 points –
Year Unknown Trailer

I've been working on this game for about 2 years, and finally created a proper trailer for it!

Feel free to ask questions and/or tell me what you think. If you're interested, I also have a steam page up:


Hey, neat aesthetic! Wishlisted it on the strength of that, alone :)

I’d be interested to learn what your primary influences are, what inspired you, what do you hope the game invokes memories of in your players?

On a more tactical matter: do you plan to support the Steam Deck?

Thanks for the wishlist! I've taken from a lot of stuff for this game. Naissancee (and indirectly Blame!) are the main ones in terms of aethetic. The strange liminal vibes of stuff like Inside and The Beginner's Guide is also something I want to capture.

I don't have a steam deck, but I'm developing on Linux so a native Linux port is a guarantee, and I'm aiming for full controller support. So it should work pretty well.

Awesome! I’ll be looking forward to it, thanks again for sharing, and for answering my question!

Great trailer. It really shows off the game and piques interest without giving too much away. I’ll definitely be checking it out.

Thank you! It's hard with story-driven games, I think there's a reason why there aren't trailers for books lol.

Is it intentional to have the AI terminals contrast the abstract futurescapes? Interesting clash.

I love the color palette btw

Yep, I wanted them to be easy to spot so they have lots of smooth curves in contrast to the environment, where I try to limit myself to sharp angles.