Fedora members plan on creating a Cosmic Desktop Spin

Pantherina@feddit.de to Linux@lemmy.ml – 256 points –

There already is an experimental image based on Silverblue with the alpha stage Cosmic Epoch Desktop.

Mainly finetuning and SELinux profiles are needed!

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Other than that, 99% of my daily use of a linux is independent of any DE. I actually don’t even care what DE it is. Just give me a Terminal Emulator and a graphical desktop to run software.

Do you realize how far you are from the average computer user? DEs and GUIs are very important for most people, and are one of the biggest "selling factors" for attracting new users.

You are right, but in the end there are so many good choices already. Reminds me of this: xkcd #927

I see your point, but things get more complicated than that, because there are different design choices in many DEs, and you can't simply change the design choices of an existing project. Some, like gnome, are particularly inflexible in that aspect, and won't add some features, even if there's a high user demand.