6 Post – 321 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Do your firewall rules allow you to block your tv's telemetry, while allowing you to still use the internet on it? If so, would you mind sharing how you did it?

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I bet you will need a crypto-backed ai startup for that project!


At first, I thought it was some sort of iot washing machine that stopped working due to software error lol.

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That's what you get when you require users to get a new device in order to run newer software. I would gladly run the newest version, if I could just update my os, but since I can't, I will be running this old version for as long as I have to...

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I have a theory about small phones:

I see so many people asking for smaller phones, and, at the same time, the sales aren't very good when companies give it a try. How can both be true?

I believe (from my anedoctal observations) that small phone users tend to be people who don't want to replace their phones just for the sake of getting a newer one, and use their devices for several years, resulting in fewer sales than expected.

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For the people commenting about prices and comparing it to kindle:

Unfortunately, open source hardware is in its infancy, and faces severe barriers of entry, but projects like this one are really nice in order to further develop the concept and make working prototypes, proving its viability.

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And here we have a clear example of how Chrome's almost monopoly is a bad thing for us.

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This is very interesting, but makes me wonder if nonprofit initiatives will be able to host video sharing platforms in the fediverse, because of the server damends of it.

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Sad to see such article written as if it was all firefox's fault, instead of google and apple's anticompetitive (and probably illegal) strategies playing a great role.

Some good trolling they did out there lol

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I don't remember the name of the effect, but it seems to happen a lot of times when newer technologies makes things consume less. People end up consuming more, either by increase of size, duration of use of using more of the thing.

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One of the implications is the development and popularization of the RISC-V architecture, which is open and can open the market for more competition and less monopolies, among other things.

This was like when the Republicans refused to vax only to end up killing themselves

Unfortunately, that's not the full picture. People got infected and transmitted to a lot of other people, and a lot of innocents ended up dead.

When it comes to bird flu, more people being inconsequential about it, and deliberately getting it gives the virus a greater chance to develop mutations, and maybe affecting us in the long run. This is a really dangerous thing, and those people are doing something that puts us all in risk.

This hurts me so badly... :( I've lost all of my 20s to depression, extreme social isolation and emptiness. My 30th birthday was last month, and I wonder is there's something to be recovered from me

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I don't choose. To continue living is just the default, and time keeps passing, so I'm alive by inaction...

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Because asking and answering too many questions was exactly how they ended up with a bullet hole in their monitor.

Seeing functional risc-v devices popping up is so awesome! Not long ago, they were highly experimental. When I eventually find myself in need of a new device, I will probably get one with a risc-v processor.

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It's a sad thing to see one more sign of how the big tech companies dominated the internet. A lot of people today don't even know how to use their devices, but only how to use the products offered by those conpanies.

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Why do you call this enshitification, if it won't affect the normal searching and is entirely optional?

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Underestimating the competition is often a path to failure

I can already see the first person with the implant losing to a teenager gamer in a competition hosted by musk. This reality's plot has become too boring already. The writer has lost all creativity.

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I always refer to it as X, to remember people that the twitter they knew is long dead

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Keep in mind that you're not just learning to use linux, but also learning to use docker,and docker is a complex tool by itself, which makes your journey significantly harder.

I never user Sabnzbd so I wouldn't be of much help. However, you could post some of the problems you find, so that other people lay help you.

It makes me wonder if this place is getting bigger and more relevant, if it's attracting interest from spammers.

At least Reddit is searchable

How long until they restrict viewing the full contents of posts without logging in?

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The early hominids must have been awesome

Don't underestimate the capacity of rich people to flaunt their excesses, while the people are suffering in scarcity.

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Other than that, 99% of my daily use of a linux is independent of any DE. I actually don’t even care what DE it is. Just give me a Terminal Emulator and a graphical desktop to run software.

Do you realize how far you are from the average computer user? DEs and GUIs are very important for most people, and are one of the biggest "selling factors" for attracting new users.

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The title made me think that they would start releasing games for linux :(

This is a great question. I don't believe it can reach the point of any person simply being able to create their own hardware, unless we're talking about an utopic future with multimaterial 3d printing in small scale, but I can see small businesses being able to manufacture custom open source hardware on demand, based on open standards. For me, the ideal scenario would be something like going into an open hardware service shop and asking for a device with your requirements, and they creating it for you, or repairing/upgrading yours.

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Do you have access to a computer with an sd card reader? I believe the best and safest thing to do is to connect it to a computer, create disk image from it and try ro use a data recovery tool in the image file.

Edit: if you only have the phone, maybe you could try looking for apps to copy a disk image from the sd card and to recover data or try using some terminal emulator or one of those apps that install a linux distro inside android to use the dd command and then use testdisk and photorec tools. I recommend the second option, because the tools are open sourc and well tested

Which implies that the brain-computer interface will never be viable as a product

Last week, I went to a friend's house and asked to use her computer, which is still a core 2 duo with 2gb of ram and an hdd, running win7. I was a bit surprised to see her family having it as their only computer, but more surprised to see how fast it was. I expected to have the most laggish experience of my life, but it was.. smooth. I've used machines with much modern low end cpus, more ram and ssds that performed much worse than that on win10. The enshittification is real.

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Generative ai is a bit different from self driving cars in the sense that they're tolerant to failures. This may give more room for improvements when compared to other applications.

Sometimes I wonder if some companies or groups are paying to publish "news" about genz using this or that, as a way to promote their stuff. It looks to me as a good and cheap tactic, since some younger people would look into the "trend", trying not to miss it, while some older people would look into it trying to stay "cool" and not look out of fashion.

But then I think again, and it looks like too much of a conspiracy theory. Why does my brain do that?

I use flagfox. It shows a small flag at the navigation bar indicating where in the world the site is hosted. Adds nothing to my life, but it's cool to see it.

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That's another thing companies don't seem to understand. A lot of them aren't creating new products and services that use ai, but are removing the existing ones, that people use daily and enjoy, and forcing some ai alternative. Of course people are going to be pissed off!

Don't forget open source software.

I usually report them as spam.

Is it just me, or is this article written in a way to try to use their age (a non relevant information for the topic imo) as a way to get the negative sentiment people have against elderly people and try to pass the image that feeling wronged by the way companies are using their works is "old people behavior" and that younger people should feel pushed to embrace "the future" without questioning?