Germany legalizes recreational cannabis use to World – 327 points –
Germany legalizes recreational cannabis use | CNN

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You, errr, might want to google the birthday of a certain well known German leader of the 30s and 40s…

This was a joke for 420. I know that this is also his birthday. Just don't care in this context

Years ago, a coworker greeted me with "Happy 420!"

  • Me: "Oh, I didn't know you celebrated Hitler's birthday."
  • Him: "What?”
  • Me: "April 20th was Hitler's birthday."
  • Him: long pause and blank stare "I DIDN'T KNOW HITLER WAS A STONER DURHURHUR!"
  • And then I got a new job.

Happy you’re celebrating, you’re clearly German and would know, but honestly, we don’t use the date format, don’t encourage them. And April 1st is even better.