Analogue's Nightmare: This FPGA Game Boy is Half the Price to – 138 points –
Analogue's Nightmare: This FPGA Game Boy is Half the Price

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Oh for sure, I just reshelled and revamped my Dreamcast, I’m in the mood for the gameboy. Waiting for another limited release from analogue is just frustrating for me

Yeah, I hate that Analogue releases are limited. If you miss the window, you either missed it forever or are willing to pay obscene prices on eBay 😞

Every small electronics company is dealing with this if they source high-quality parts. It's just gotten much harder in the last several years to source quality components in large numbers from China, and the big hardware manufacturers always get the lion's share.

Follow any similar companies and you see a similar stop-start pattern, quickly selling out, and yearlong preorders.