Adult daughter. Should I disown her!? to Mildly – 624 points –

Edit: LOL love the responses. You ain't wrong...

Edit2: I posted this for giggles and have enjoyed it immensely. Thanks for the "parenting advice" (rolls eyes). My daughter is a shit show, but I wouldn't trade her in for anything. She has three daughters, one of which is exactly like her and the two others are not. So...


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Am I married to your daughter?

I have created a monster.

The woman I married stuffed the dishwasher like that. Just tossed stuff in, unrinsed. Wherever it would fit and still allow the drawers to close.

I had to clean out the filter twice in one month and asked her to rinse. Bowls would turn over and fill with nasty water, so I asked her to stack them in such a way so they wouldn't.

The woman I'm married to now has a fucking system. I don't fully know it and I dare not do it wrong. Meal prep bowls go on top, lids, on the bottom. Forks and spoons have a very specific place and so help you God if you put the sauce pan in the wrong orientation.

Fuckin hell I love that woman

Pre rinsing actually makes the dishwasher do a worse job, a big part of the dishwasher detergent is to latch on to dirt and grime so when the water sprayer comes it can more easily clean it off

If you prerinse there's a lot less surface area for the detergent to do it's job. You're supposed to clean the filter about once a month, so twice isn't too unusual.

HOWEVER that being said

Just tossed stuff in, unrinsed. Wherever it would fit and still allow the drawers to close.

That's the unforgivable part

I'm mostly concerned with the large particles of food that couldn't make it through the filter and just clogged it up. Dishes aren't going in even remotely clean.

Why would you put clean dishes in the dishwasher?

Why does the guy at the automatic car wash hit my car with a pressurized hose before entering?

Beacuse they are wasting water? That doesn't happen where I live.

Ah, if they're large enough to be scrapeable, like beans or pasta, then absolutely scrape into the trashcan/garbage disposal.

But rinsing just takes away too much, I've made one exception though and that's with spaghetti, idk what it is maybe the combination of tomato sauce and pasta but if I don't rinse in that situation everything is just nasty after the cycle