Adult daughter. Should I disown her!? to Mildly – 624 points –

Edit: LOL love the responses. You ain't wrong...

Edit2: I posted this for giggles and have enjoyed it immensely. Thanks for the "parenting advice" (rolls eyes). My daughter is a shit show, but I wouldn't trade her in for anything. She has three daughters, one of which is exactly like her and the two others are not. So...


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At least you have multiple wifes

Idk I would rather have one wife who did dishes than 2 that didn't know how to lol

Hmm, depends largely on how hot they are and if they're into each other.

If they are into each other Im out of a fuckin job. Literally and figuratively.

Sorry Hank, but we’re replacing you with a pair of lesbians.

But I’ve been with this company ten years!