Alabama Justice Who Ruled That Embryos Are ‘Children’ Appeared On QAnon Conspiracist's Show to politics – 846 points –
Alabama Justice Who Ruled That Embryos Are ‘Children’ Appeared On QAnon Conspiracist's Show

Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker indicated on the show he was a proponent of the “Seven Mountains Mandate,” an explicitly theocratic doctrine at the heart of Christian nationalism.

Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker, who wrote the concurring opinion in last week’s explosive Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos have the same rights as living children, recently appeared on a show hosted by self-anointed “prophet” and QAnon conspiracy theorist.

Parker was the featured guest on “Someone You Should Know,” hosted by Johnny Enlow, a Christian nationalist influencer and devoted supporter of former President Donald Trump. Over the course of an 11-minute interview, Parker articulated a theocratic worldview at odds with a functioning, pluralistic society.

“God created government,” he told Enlow, adding that it’s “heartbreaking” that “we have let it go into the possession of others.”


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I hate to say it but your dad is an old school uneducated bigot. And has no right to talk to you about any of this. You cannot expect someone without morality to love you as you deserve to be loved.

Sorry to be so blunt, but it must be stated out in the open. Nothing makes me angrier than parents thinking they have some god-given right to control their kids' sexuality. Nothing is further from the truth.

I live in Utah not by choice, but circumstance. And frankly, I feel bad for you having to live in Tennessee, another state I consider an open sewer of immoral bigotry.

If it is true that "the Lord is coming," all these so-called Christian haters should be the ones repenting. They are the ones who will burn in hell. Not us, my friend; I guarantee you that. It was never us who were in the wrong.

Jesus if he were ever real would hate these so called christian filth mongers and their homophobia. And he would never allow them any access to salvation; they've already committed the most unforgivable sin of not loving their fellow man, the worst possible sin.

your dad is an old school uneducated bigot.

You're not wrong. The ordeal was basically him saying to his friend "You know (friend's name), if I had a son that was 'queer' I don't think I'd mind." His friend tried to basically just agree with him, but it was awkward, mostly because the conversation was apropos of nothing; just brought up out of nowhere.

To this day, I struggle with hearing the word 'queer' as something other than a slur and I feel bad even saying it just because of the negative connotation in which my dad used it. I know that it isn't and that people who identify as such use the word proudly, as well they should, but I've had to hear it as a word that meant something bad my whole life. I'm working on changing that way of thinking, but it's been tough.

To your other point, if Jesus were real, he wouldn't take a single Christian (Save for maybe Dolly Parton) to "heaven."

My boss is a hard core "Christian" that has hot-take opinions on things like immigration. I asked him if "Jesus" would approve of his opinion on that and his exact words were "I don't care what Jesus said." None of them actually believe a word of what they hear at church. They just recite what they hear, a la "bros" that quote ESPN. It's all one big act that they're all in on, but no one wants to break the fourth wall, so to speak.