Signal and Threema want nothing to do with WhatsApp

Lee to – 718 points –

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SMS sucks. Not private and it handcuffs you to a phone. Who wants to type on a phone when you're at a real keyboard?

Sms has been god awful since the beginning, both the standard and the business implementation. Remember bullshit pricing models for texts? 10center per text over your limit. Even today, the standard hasn't kept up with modern times.

That's the only reason I started using Telegram. It might not be secure or whatever, but it sure is nice to have voice and video calling on a nice-looking desktop app. It's the only one I was able to get my family to use, and that I already had some friends using.

But I could never get them to use advanced shit like SimpleX or something similar lol. "But this already works?" Yeeeaaah but... Nah, it'll never fly. 😑