How sad

no banana to Lemmy – 390 points –

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People were shitty monsters before capitalism, and after too. People have been people regardless of economic system.

"Humanity is a disease" is not the same statement as "humanity is capable of committing atrocities" though. The latter leaves the door open for a "but", while the former makes humanity itself a systemic problem but refuses or "forgets" to pin the blame on anyone or any system.

Such statements devolve the conversation into defeatist pseudo-nihilism, where a "true nihilist" knows that the betterment of humanity will have to come from within.

I do agree that capitalism is not the root of all evil, but it is central to the particular "planet's fucked, housing is unaffordable, and no-one cares" doomer sentiment that is depicted in the meme (at least that is how I read it).

Society start to become unwell only when the few "monsters" get power, especially in a unbalanced way.

And yes some have and always will try to get it, but i don't think it's very relevant here...

Capitalism is a very powerful way for them to use our economic system to get their power, hence why it's a problem in itself.

And that's also why we could have hope for a system where they can't get power. Democracy is one solution, although limited, for example.

Sir, this is Lemmy. Everything bad past, present, and future is the fault of capitalism.

Oh yeah, everything bad is the fault of cars too. Almost forgot that one.

Some one on that "we need more sensitive men like in LOTR" post one of the top comments was about how men aren't like this because capitalism. I point out the absurdity of that message and get ratio'd

Its such an echo chamber