Open Source Collective shutting down to Open – 97 points –

Editing to avoid confusion

Do not confuse Open Collective Foundation with Open Source Collective:

This is even more confusing because the org behind Open Collective ( is called " Open Source Collective" whereas the org behind Open Source Collective ( is called Open Collective Foundation.

I believe the author here is confused as well

EDIT: I'm even more confused. Links from point back to 😵‍💫


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So like, where do they lose money?

Somehow it seems that the 501(c)(6) is more profitable than the 501(c)(3), but I dont understand why.

Profitability might not be the issue, neither are supposed to function solely to make a profit. From the linked blog post, referencing an email, it is stated that its costing more than the revenue can support.

From a general internet search:

c(3)'s can't engage too much (or at all) in legislative stuff but a c(6) can

c(3)'s are supposed to do things to help a group outside of itself while c(6)'s are supposed to exist to support their members

c(6)'s aren't required to report personal information of a person/entity making a donation to the IRS or public