US military pulls the trigger, uses AI to target air strikes to – 171 points –
US military pulls the trigger, uses AI to target air strikes

The US Department of Defense has deployed machine learning algorithms to identify targets in over 85 air strikes on targets in Iraq and Syria this year.

The Pentagon has done this sort of thing since at least 2017 when it launched Project Maven, which sought suppliers capable of developing object recognition software for footage captured by drones. Google pulled out of the project when its own employees revolted against using AI for warfare, but other tech firms have been happy to help out.


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They're using image recognition to choose candidate targets which are then passed to humans. Seems like an obvious thing to do.

Yeah, you can say that until it's the cops doing exactly that to you and yours... 🤬

What do you mean? Are you confusing using imagine recognition to find candidate targets with things like facial recognition and/or unrestrained AI?

Don't play dumb; profiling is at the core of all those tools, and human bias taints each of them. To insinuate that simply by syntactical difference, the police aren't intrinsically, murderously bigoted, is either naive AF or bootlickin'. Which is it?