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Joined 7 months ago

I don't see how what conservatives say has to do with reality.

Biden has been "senile" and "too old" for years now, during which time we've had a functioning Biden administration.

The Trump admin was limp, chronically understaffed, weak, ineffectual. That's what they're pretending is better than Biden. Conservatives don't even care about senility so if you hear them rag on Biden and think they're right, you're not understanding what they're really saying.

He says there's no antisemitism in his close circles, as if that matters, but it's also a lie because he himself backed a "Jews are trying to replace whites" post on Twitter.

Also, he said he was Jewish by association because he has a lot of Jewish friends. Different brand of ridiculousness from what the headline implies.

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The article draws most of its facts from a tiktok video of a person saying they found X, discovered Y, heard Z from Facebook.

The link that says "businesses team up with bots" links to a tiktok video.

They reinforce the idea that people figured this out because people said it was happening in India, on Facebook.

I wonder if there's any smoking guns?

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Aston Kutcher, a celebrity famous for his philanthropy, says a man guilty of two rapes should have his charity taken into account.

In other words: A man with excess money, and who gives some of that excess to charity, says a person's charity should balance out that person's crimes.

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Based on the headline I got the impression that the bible was excluding these two amendments. As in, their absence was jarring in the presence of the other amendments.

The truth is that they left out 17 amendments. Because it's Trump. It's aimed at people who don't care about the Constitution. The customers just want the greatest hits, the big names.

Misleading headline aside, here's what the they actually omitted (aka here's a truth which doesn't leave anything out.)

  1. Can't sue a state unless you live there.

  2. Structures electing presidents / VPs.

  3. Slavery is banned except when it isn't.

  4. Born on US soil == you're 'Merican, Harry.

  5. Suffrage regardless of race.

  6. Taxes.

  7. Structures electing senators.

  8. Prohibition good!

  9. Suffrage regardless of sex.

  10. Specifies length for Presidential / VP terms.

  11. Prohibition bad!

  12. The two term limit for Presidents.

  13. Gives D.C. electors.

  14. You can vote even if you didn't pay taxes.

  15. Formalized the VP succeeding a dead president.

  16. Voting age set to 18.

  17. That time when Congress took 200 goddamn years to impose a restriction on their salary.

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Reading the report makes me feel like I'm from a different planet.

It clearly spells out Israel blocking aid to Gaza. It describes what we all would call blocking aid. If someone did what Israel does, to you, you would call it blocking. Israel blocks aid and the report makes it plain.

Just because they have a different definition of "blocking aid" doesn't mean the report cleared Israel. I don't get it. Can you really just say whatever you want, end it with "but it's not what it sounds like" and that's the takeaway everyone gets?

It's one thing for a document to have arbitrary restrictions on what it can say. That happens. It's another for people to take it so literally.

Edit: I don't even know what definitions they were working with, I just got a "it's not technically..." vibe. But I do know that the report describes blocking aid.

Most of the names will be innocent people and victims. All of them will be sent death threats and harassed because people will consider them pedophiles. People can't understand two things at once (Epstein was a socialite and a child trafficker) and they don't know what being an associate of Epstein implies. There's good reasons to keep the list private from the masses.

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Was he given 8 years for the racism, like what the headlines (of every article I could find) make it seem like? Because he had 11 prior convictions and wasn't allowed to own weapons, and was found with a slingshot, ammo, and drugs. He was charged with possession with intent to sell.

Every article I found talked about him going viral for racism. I can't find real information about what happened.

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Back in my day we assumed everything on the internet was false, and we liked it.

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Oh, your god said we should do that? But my god is a super god times infinity and he says the opposite.

Just goes to show you that for every kid that is mature for their age, there's 100s of adults that never left the playground.

Some basic questions to train your media literacy:

How many people, exactly, (or less ideally, roughly,) were doing this? (Article provides no answer.)

How often does this normally occur, esp. when it isn't a trendy topic? (Article provides no answer.)

Any similar events to provide context, perhaps give us clues about what to expect? (Article provides no answer.)

Was this a critical mass, or majority, of those present? (Article provides no answer.)

If you ask basic, perfectly reasonable questions, and then read the article, and see that it answers nothing an interested individual is curious about, you get suspicious about what you're reading. "Oh jeez, a thing happened, we have a thing, it involved people." Very cool, very news.

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They just went public, aren't looking too great, and now they want what is essentially attestations of their resemblance to a dumpster fire.

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Fundamentally this is a studio developing games with deliberately missing pieces, missing QoL features, and endemic bugs. And then they're taking money for people adding those pieces, adding those features, fixing those bugs.

I'm guessing things like the unofficial patch or other bug fixes won't be sold, and they'll stick to nice things like new armor and niche mechanics. But even then it feels like mods are a less obvious selling point for Bethesda games the more they monetize the scene.

And because corporations aren't people, here's the CEOs that ran things during 2014:

Hans Vestberg (b 1965) Verizon

Randall Lynn Stephenson (b 1960) AT&T

Glen F Post (b 1952) CenturyLink

We let these people act with impunity in our society but it doesn't need to be this way. Look at how Elon, who thrives on attention, flips out over being tracked and heckled. They stole hundreds of billions from us but we don't even act like it.

Why can't others do this without being ostracized?

Why don't we all just... "I think we should invade Afghanistan because that's what Link would do -- I mean Saddam is basically Ganondorf!"

We should all be able to have the childlike privilege of using cartoon characters as rhetorical devices in adult conversations.

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This makes some sense as all foods are salads; sandwiches are untossed salads, tacos are untossed taco salads.

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You can tell this game is beloved. I don't think I've seen this many bugs talked about as funny / cute quirks when they're just... bugs. It isn't cats getting drunk in DF, it's a memory issue that affects your save the longer you play.

It reinforces the idea that the devs are treating players right and making a game that people want to succeed.

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Craziest thing is that nobody will ever tell you why they want dental hygiene to be illegal. They will say something like, "My favorite series is Harry Potter. I never saw him brush his teeth." and you're just thinking, "What does your favorite book have to do with this? Also I'm pretty sure Harry brushes his teeth -- did you even read your favorite book??"

She lied about meeting a world leader and had a fake story about it to make her look tough. She's on TV as I write this and she can't even answer any questions about it without dodging. She's such a real character!

When legislating for your constituents: Regulations shall be written in blood (and lots of it!).

When legislating for yourself: Best err on the side of caution.

I mean did Cruz even try thoughts and prayers first? Shouldn't he hire a private security detail from the free market instead of embiggening the government and using people's taxes to pay for his protection?

It's gross to arbitrarily destroy an individual's life to make an example of them when it's the state's failure to effectively stop the problem. They went overboard with their punishment, and nothing will change. A corporation was 'harmed' so they harmed an actual person.

Just fly a pride flag and call it a covenant flag. Or Moses flag. They are easily tricked by changing words around.

Essentially, they needed a list of things their target audience would eat up. Then they included the minimum amount of content required to say they had those things. (Remember, Trump et al are cheap as hell.)

It's like an anthology saying, "We have Anne Rice! Stephen King! Issac Asimov!" and then it's just one novella from each. But the customer just wants a book with those names on the front so it's fine.

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We need to get outdoor cats off the streets. They're Argentine ants with a cute face, which makes them all the more sinister.

Looks like a lava shader material preview but instead of a ball they used something food shaped.

I'll have to check the leaderboards but this might be the most money ever raised by a convicted president.


Yep! Number one!

Tiktok offered us the ability to shut them down? To avoid being shut down. By us. Woe to the vanquished I guess.

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When a computer reads some signal, the 0s and 1s in it's memory is the data. The data must be processed so that the computer can understand it.

This computer is using threads to read neuron activity. It must necessarily receive data because if it didn't it wouldn't be reading neuron activity. They're the same thing.

This data is processed so that the computer can make sense of the brain. Once it understands some activity it generates signals that can control external devices.

Here's an example. Imagine a device that monitors the heart and does something to fix a problem. The device would get data on the heart and process the data so that it can perform it's function.

Wouldn't monitoring health concerns and mitigating data loss be extremely important in these scenarios?

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I'm currently watching the Trump presser the day after, and he's straight up violating his gag order, spending awhile talking about Cohen, basically saying "I can't talk about him, but his name rhymes with Mohen, they call him a fixer, and ..." The whole thing is nuts but just thought that was a bit special.

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It feels Kafkaesque. "Hello, I'm against genocide. Do I stand in line to be labeled a terrorist simp? Should I stand in the Nazi line? Just wondering what label I'll need to own."

They're using image recognition to choose candidate targets which are then passed to humans. Seems like an obvious thing to do.

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Is it just me or does the report state that Israel is blocking aid? The legalese might make a distinction between 'technically blocking aid' and 'doing everything in your power to slow, delay, and otherwise mitigate aid'... but that's exactly what a layperson would call blocking aid.

They have to choose words carefully lest they accidentally trigger some process. But they did just describe what a smarmy country does to block aid while maintaining plausible (big stretch of the word) deniability.

Isn't "it's good enough for most users" a little too close to "it's good enough to be bought, used for a bit, and then tossed"? Usually computers that were adequate for X stop being able to do X. There's little to no margin and you can't upgrade it?

By the way, where's the clarification that Musk said he should've posted? He endorsed a white supremicist conspiracy (on accident, surely!). Called it foolish -- no, not because he endorsed Nazis, but because now his haters have more ammo. (???) Half a month has passed. It's petty, because I wouldn't believe his story even if it were airtight, but he could at least try.

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No mention of those responsible for the policy.

John T. Standley was CEO when it started, and then Heyward Donigan for a couple years.

John Standley is the one responsible for screwing over all those people, and Heyward for continuing the abuse. Of course it wasn't just them but it's where the buck stops.

It's a lot of work making stuff up just to have your spiritual alcohol.

An important difference is that cruise control is simpler to understand. It's a basic mechanic dressed up as a driver aid. A smaller slice of the population will incorrectly use cruise control.

FSD is a driver aid dressed up as... well, "Full Self-Driving." It's not Full, and it's not Self-Driving. It's mostly functional in limited circumstances and even then requires driver attention.

I think another good example is how people would never allow a Stasi agent to live in their house, unless the Stasi agent was redefined as a slew of websites, a collection of disparate laws, and multiple steps involving technology.

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That will only happen if a few chronically online players get together to use their resources to manipulate the playerbase. If that happens the game will die, but certain players just don't care about anything but themselves.

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I think people are too literal when trying to understand each other. If someone says they believe in god, it means they identify as someone who believes in god. If someone says they think the election was stolen, it means they identify as someone who thinks the election was stolen. You don't defeat this with direct education / facts, you give these people an out. They need identities that are constructive and based in reality. Friends, family, culture... it all needs to be rewritten. Then they'll "believe" in reality.

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Japan was completely blockaded, which is such a profound thing in war that it's really all you need to defeat "nuking was necessary" arguments.

And they were completely resource starved, another profoundly important detail of a war machine.

And the fanaticism + "they will die to the last man, woman, and child" is grossly misrepresented in the context of nukes.

But these details aren't relevant to how Palestinians and the situation in Gaza is portrayed. No siree.

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