[Hyprland] saw the default background for the first time and just had to reconfige my whole setup

☭ SaltyIceteaMaker ☭@iusearchlinux.fyi to Unixporn@lemmy.ml – 120 points –


•Distro: Arch

•WM: Hyprland

•Status bar: Waybar

•Terminal: Kitty

•Editor: NvChad with a custom (messy) theme

•Sound visualiser: cava

•Browser: Firefox with the Firefox Colors plugin

•Screenshot utility: Grim (with Slurp if you want to select an area to screenshot)

•Wallpaper utility: none just add

misc { force_default_wallpaper = 3 }

to your hyprland config


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Yes. That's one of the default hyprland backgrounds

Looks pretty dope, care to share some dots?

As i wrote in the body of the post the dotfiles have to come later.

I posted that just before going to work, luckily it's a short day today so you should "only" have to wait another 4,5 - 5,5 hours👍