Asking for a Linux (or non-Windows) laptop during a job interview? to – 170 points –

I'm interviewing for a software dev job currently (it's in the initial stages). If things work out, I'd absolutely prefer a work laptop with Linux installed (I personally use PopOS but any distro will do), a Mac will be second choice, but I absolutely cannot tolerate Windows, I abhor it, I hate it... (If all computers left on earth have Windows I'd either quit this field or just quit Earth).

Sometimes it's possible to tell if they use Windows or not, for example, jobs with dotnet/C# are most likely using windows, but not in my case.

Anyways, is it too weird to ask what kind of laptop they provide to their employees? And to also specifically ask for a Linux (or anything but windows) work laptop?


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A job interview isn't just for the company to find out if you are a good hire for them. It's also for you to find out if the company is a good employer for you.

So yes, ask away. And if they cannot meet your criteria you just don't start working there.

Much like with dating, showing you have some standards and aren't just desperate for the first thing that comes along makes you a lot more attractive. If I was interviewing candidates and one of them respectfully voiced a preference for a certain OS laptop during the interview, I would probably look more favourably on them than someone who didn't voice a preference, all else being equal.

Honestly its best if you say "I prefer Linux but I can be flexible with environments" although in a interview you probably have more important things to show.

What if you aren't flexible? I never couch, I just say in use Linux for my workflow, can you accommodate that?

Then you may need to find another job. At the end of the day they pay you

Your Linux skills may be better served in in a Linux based company

That’s something that’s usually outside the HR/hiring manager’s purview. (And there’s some good reasons for that. Namely maintaining the integrity of their confidential data.)

If they’re not already using Linux environments; and to be blunt, they’re probably not unless you’re specifically being hired for dev in Linux-world… then you just disqualified yourself.

Even if they do allow it, there’s probably going to be times they really need you in windows, and they’re now going to have to weigh how common that will be and if they want to tolerate it.

So, you need to ask: are you willing to hold out for that one company; for that one job, that may never come. Are you willing to take a potential pay cut?

I get having standards, but, they also get to have those standards and they might just pass because you sound annoying.

You can always decline an offer, you can’t accept an offer that’s never made.

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Exactly this. There are some things I usually ask about every interview that kind of shows my hand about what I’m looking for, but also forces them to either answer me, or eliminate themselves as candidates in my mind.

However it’s important to note that this only holds true when you’re an in demand sector, where you aren’t an easily replaceable token. Otherwise they can just skip over you as too much potential trouble lol

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