Roku’s Ultimatum: Surrender Jury Trial Rights or Lose Access to Your TVs to – 1490 points –

Did your Roku TV decide to strong arm you into giving up your rights or lose your FULLY FUNCTIONING WORKING TV? Because mine did.

It doesn't matter if you only use it as a dumb panel for an Apple TV, Fire stick, or just to play your gaming console. You either agree or get bent.


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It probably isn't legal most places. EULAs are already considered fairly flimsy in terms of enforcement, but changing an EULA after you've already bought a device, in such a way as to reduce your statutory rights, is almost certainly a complete non-starter.

Watched the other day video about always online games being terminated and Ross, guy behind "Freeman's mind" is starting world wide legal action against Ubisoft and some others. He talked specifically about EULAs in US and they are like promises from god. If you accept them suing the company for anything covered there becomes a nightmare. Here's a link. It's a bit longer watch, but worth it. But in short, in USA what can be written in EULA is almost unlimited. Example he gave was that you can accept for game developer to have the right to kill your dog if you buy their game and they would have a complete right to do so, you wouldn't be able to call the cops on them for animal abuse until you disproved and had EULA brought down on court first.

Document he's linking to which describes this whole mess in regards to games and pre-orders and similar. But also touches on EULAs.

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