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I am the owner of multiple colors of hard hats and hi-vis vests. You're going to want to get an orange/yellow bucket. These are the ones that crew wear. I.e. the people that don't know what's actually happening, they're just "doing their job". Don't get white or any other color because those mean you know what's happening and shouldn't be working.

TIL there are colour-coded helmets on worksites. Makes sense, I suppose. If you need a first aider or something it's probably easier to look for a particular colour helmet than just Jim.

A lot of the time you don't even know Jim, never met him. So wearing the hat for what your job is let's people know who to ask for what without everyone needing to know each other.

I don't know everyone on my job sites wear white wide rimmed helmets and the crew owners typically wear the grey carbon fiber helmets, but then again we're mostly electricians.

Small crews can use whatever they prefer. If you get on a big job with 1000+ people then color code really helps.