Describe a game in 5 words or less, and see if anyone can guess it. to – 78 points –

I'll go first. Deranged Spiderman with guns


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Cats dying from alcohol poisoning

(I’m guessing Just Cause?)

EDIT: yup it's dwarf fortress

You got mine right.

I'm stumped by yours.

It’s one of those niche games you never see anyone talking about until you discover it and keep always seeing people talking about it

I would've guessed Rimworld. I once had a cat that kept getting into my alcohol and passing out in the freezer. It kept losing limbs to frostbite until it was finally just a stump that couldn't leave its pet bed...

I've never played RimWorld, but I know for sure that the devs are big fans of DF. I didn't play it that much (meaning, I played a fair bit but practically zero if you compare it to the average playtime of its community) but I remember reading that an update caused thousands of cats to die to alcohol poisoning because they would walk around the tavern, get their paws wet with alcohol and then lick them.