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Joined 1 years ago

Weird how actual slavery was "no big deal" but paying taxes is the worst thing ever because it's tantamount to slavery and theft.

Yep, I bought a Brother laser printer for $120 a few years ago. I don't use it super often, but it's been reliable and easy to use whenever I need it. I've never had to replace the toner. It just works.

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This has to be a joke. Reminds me of getting a handful of nugs from my dealer in high school, pre-legalization, because he ran out of bags. Or a cigarette wrapper that was burnt shut to hold a dime bag.

Eh, I have accounts on both instances. I've appreciated the active moderation on some Beehaw communities - I'd rather discuss LGBTQ issues on Beehaw than other instances, for example. But I also like to see more content elsewhere, so I've got my account too. It's pretty easy to account hop when using an app. It's reminds me of being a member of multiple hobbyist forums, in a way.

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By what definition of middle class are you considering $250,000 to be middle class? That's greater than the 90th percentile income.

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IDK, I don't feel like I had to say that much to get in with my alt. I just wrote about how I liked having some more heavily moderated spaces to discuss sensitive topics. I even mentioned that I planned to maintain an alt to access less moderated spaces, just that I also intended to respect the culture and the vibe of Beehaw when interacting there.

There are five lights!

I've also worked in state government. I am both surprised and not surprised to hear this.

Yup. My childhood best friend reached out after learning that I was getting divorced a few years back. He lived out of state but was in town visiting family, so we got dinner. It was good to catch up. I ended up being one of his groomsmen and we still talk/game together, although distance still prevents us from meeting IRL too often.

Incredible. What's the context for when this was offered as advice?

I'll also say fuck Asurion. They seemingly bricked my phone during a routine repair. Obviously they came up with a flimsy excuse for why it wasn't their fault, but regardless I ended up walking out with a paperweight instead of a screen damaged but otherwise fully functional device. Would've been better off not seeking their service.

Nicotine. 25 days without and I keep dreaming about smoking. I've quit for longer before and the cravings never seem to go away.

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The Broken Earth Trilogy by NK Jemisin. Fantastic and heartbreaking. It's kind of a crossover in science fiction and fantasy, set in a world that experiences apocalyptic levels of climate and geological change every few hundred years. Jemisin does excellent world building and a very admirable job of writing parts of the narrative in second person in a way that seems seamless/not gimmicky. Highly recommended.

I literally bought an iFixIt kit to open my phone up (for a screen replace rather than a battery swap, but still) and could not get it open after an hour+ of trying. I'd definitely believe it's because I'm inexperienced in modern phone repair, but I'm not a generally unsavvy person. I build computers and mess around with tech as a hobbyist. I had to take it to a shop and return the kit. It's definitely not an easy process for some devices.

How do you figure?

Single player social media, perfect.

I love that! If it's your first time through, I hope you both enjoy it!

Admins and moderators decide on behavioral standards for their instances, just as it has been for every discussion forum that has ever existed. I don't care to personally adjudicate your experience with Beehaw - I am simply sharing my own.

Ayyyyy, are you reading The Shadow Rising soon? I liked it more than the Dragon Reborn.

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I didn't see your response before posting my own, but same, bud. I'm in the process of quitting again and it hasn't been easy.

I know buggy Bethesda games have become a meme at this point, but I feel like it's very possible that this will be no more buggy than FO4 or Skyrim. Those games had their bugs, but I had way more trouble with bugs in Morrowind, Oblivion, and FO3. Now, janky physics or mechanics? I'm sure we'll get some of that... And I can't wait!

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Thanks for your concern, but I think I understand my own enjoyment of things and my financial situation better than an internet stranger.

It's google that's gotten worse. It's harder to find specific or niche information nowadays because Google doesn't respect search operators and will instead show you the results for more common searches. That might be fine if you're looking for general information, but it means that looking up specific facts (part numbers, error messages, etc.) they will drown you in SEO-optomized vague garbage results.

I'd also love some alternatives to use for troubleshooting. I just want to find the niche forum posts where people are discussing my specific issue!

I mean, yeah? I don't use a wash cloth anymore, I use a different kind of scrubber that dries out quickly, but when I used a wash cloth I just used a different one every day. Marginal impact on my laundry and a pack at Target was cheap. Every day I could wash my face with a clean cloth and then wash the rest of my body.

Yup, you can also do some messing around with linein input on Winamp/Milkdrop to make it work right, but depending on the specific hardware setup it can be a pain. (It worked great from my aux speakers and totally broke when I tried to route the audio output through my TV/HDMI. This is a solvable problem, but annoying.)

See also: Mermaid farming and harvesting operations

This is a good feature to bring back to modern games. Anyone else remember F10 from Counter Strike?

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I was going to buy it anyways, even if it's a mess. If I spend the money now, the game feels free later.

I actually haven't preordered it and might not, but this is how I felt about Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and Bethesda games are at the same tier for me. I have hundreds of hours in every game since Morrowind; I'll eventually get my money's worth.

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There's nothing I do on my current phone that I couldn't do on a phone ten years ago, technologically speaking. When I upgraded my phone recently, it was solely because of battery deterioration and because the previous model was out of service for security updates. I don't think I'm alone here.

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