Starfield's already the top seller to – 101 points –

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I was going to buy it anyways, even if it's a mess. If I spend the money now, the game feels free later.

I actually haven't preordered it and might not, but this is how I felt about Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and Bethesda games are at the same tier for me. I have hundreds of hours in every game since Morrowind; I'll eventually get my money's worth.

If I spend the money now, the game feels free later.

"If I pay full price for a sub par product now, it feels like a free upgrade when they finally give me what they told me I'd get six months ago!"

Do you also punch yourself in the nutsack because when it feels so good when you stop?

Thanks for your concern, but I think I understand my own enjoyment of things and my financial situation better than an internet stranger.

Thanks for continuing to be a part of the problem with videogame development and the reason AAA gaming is a disaster 👍