Starfield's already the top seller to – 101 points –

Why are people preordering a DIGITAL, BETHESDA game?! It's still the Creation Engine (Creation Engine 2 so hopefully they fixed it!) so it's probably gonna be a buggy mess at release.

Why are people preordering a DIGITAL, BETHESDA game?! It’s still the Creation Engine (Creation Engine 2 so hopefully they fixed it!) so it’s probably gonna be a buggy mess at release.

Unlike many online gaming communities, there are many people in the world that enjoy playing video games. So, when they see a game that looks fun to play, they buy it or pre-order it.

I love how you imply people here don't enjoy playing videogames, when in reality we do, we just expect a 70 dollar product to fucking work.

What you're describing is called being a "consumer whore" and is the #1 reason unregulated capitalism will always lead to our demise. Consumers are morons and will willingly pay full price for some broken loot box addled bullshit because they didn't learn from the last fifteen times they got burned when preordering.

Buying is different to preordering.

I would not buy a broken mess. Why would I preorder it

They think it can go out of stock maybe ahahah

I mean jokes aside, usually preordering digital titles lets you preload most of the content several days before the release. If you don't have high speed internet, or have a restrictive daily cap - this can give you a leg up on a purchase you were going to day1 buy anyway.

Then on release it just activates your license and then you can spend most of release day playing the game versus waiting for it to download.

That's a good point, but they should discount the game also, imo

I was going to buy it anyways, even if it's a mess. If I spend the money now, the game feels free later.

I actually haven't preordered it and might not, but this is how I felt about Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and Bethesda games are at the same tier for me. I have hundreds of hours in every game since Morrowind; I'll eventually get my money's worth.

If I spend the money now, the game feels free later.

"If I pay full price for a sub par product now, it feels like a free upgrade when they finally give me what they told me I'd get six months ago!"

Do you also punch yourself in the nutsack because when it feels so good when you stop?

Thanks for your concern, but I think I understand my own enjoyment of things and my financial situation better than an internet stranger.

Thanks for continuing to be a part of the problem with videogame development and the reason AAA gaming is a disaster 👍

Pre-ordering digitally distributed games is so pointless, but even more so right now. At least wait for the review embargo to end.

But it's even worse with a Bethesda game.

Exactly my thoughts. If nothing else, this year specifically should hint everyone that triple A doesn't mean finished release. And being among the first to beta test something for mega corp? No thanks. I'll wait and see.

Stop. Preordering.

Like at least find out if the planets are any good first and not just 2000 procedurally generated flavors of bear asses to collect.

Hopefully there's a whole RPG game in there and those are just side stuff to muck around and get some loot.

100%. I'm a diehard Bethesda RPG fan, but never ever preorder. I'll never understand the stupidity in doing this.

I also got hyped and joined the launch day queues when i was a kid. But then we as a community got burned again and again.

Like even the most casual gamer must get pissed off by broken servers.

Honestly I think this is a considerable portion of pre-orders. We didn't have too much money when I was a kid so having something pre-ordered, knowing that when it comes out I'll for sure get it, felt really good. Those were the ODST, Battlefront 2 (original) and Oblivion days, though.

Times have changed since, and even to kid me I'm pretty sure how buggy these games tend to be would annoy me.

At the end of the day, it's a constant battle in my head between "let people enjoy things and do what they want with their own money" and "their spending actively lets companies know it's ok to do this over and over again, delivering buggy messes that will affect game series I enjoy" lol.

The people that preorder clearly aren’t listening

The people that preorder clearly aren’t listening

Or they are listening and just don't care.

Why are people advising against pre-ordering? Is Bethesda known for not meeting expected release dates?

Basically, preordering incentivizes companies to release games that are not finished. In general, companies will always maximize revenues while minimizing costs. If they can release a game that didn't cost them as much to produce (getting massive preorders through good marketing but pinching development and quality) then they absolutely will. look at any AAA released this year

Why are people buying products that they can't even have until release day?

I think one reason is that Bethesda's previous game's, Fallout 76's, release didn't go very smoothly. Not at all smoothly. Internet Historian has a good video about that: The Fall of 76

IMO it's generally not a great idea to pre-order anyway because it's not like they can ever run out, plus you never know what's going to happen on launch day. The game could be a big mess like Cyberpunk was, or the servers could go down because everyone's downloading at once so then there'd be no point paying to get it on day 1 anyway.

And on top of that, Bethesda has a bit of a reputation for putting out games that are... let's say unpolished on release day. I usually find the best approach is to leave it for a day or two, see what people are saying about it online, and then pick it up if you really want to.

IMO it’s generally not a great idea to pre-order anyway because it’s not like they can ever run out

Except the collectors editions, those are physical products and not just bits and bytes. On the Dead space recent one the edition size was defined by how many were preordered, they had a cutoff where they closed the run.

TFW you're broke and $70 is the norm for AAA games now. As much as I want to get this on Steam so I can have all the games in one account, it's looking like I have no choice but just play it on the XBOX game pass when it comes out. Living the PH, it's 3 USD a month here.

2 more...

I don't really care that people throw away their money like this. Because I am now always looking forward to the always very entertaining youtube clips of how much off a disaster the lastet AAA videogame release is.

At this point that should be a tagged genre.

Fellas! Why are games today so buggy! Why are they incomplete? I just don’t understand!!!!‽‽???

They never learn do they ?

My tactic of waiting a year until a newly released game is fully patched and grabbing it with a discount has yet to fail me.

Not like I have the time to play the games I already have anyway!

Nope. And everybody will scream cause they payed 70 bucks for a broken game, just like Bethesda is known to produce.

Just keep looking at the list. Payday 3 is also there. A publisher known for maybe a worse dlc and microtransaction policy than EA with the Sims, but it seems that doesn't matter a bit.

When will you learn!? That your actions have consequences!

Well that's disappointing. As excited as I am, I actually recall the distant events of this preordering.

I officially hate everyone who preorders digital games. There is absolutely no justification for it. If you preorder, youre the reason modern gaming sucks.

I literally don't get it either. "BuT It lEtS me DOwNlOaD iT iN AdVanCE" but like are you really that impatient you need it the second it's released? And before seeing if it's actually a good game or not?? It's like people have learned nothing from the constant shitty releases time and time again

People will never learn to not preorder games. I have no hope for humanity at this point.

Queue the "internet people are a vocal minority" saying. Unfortunately, it really is true. How anyone can pre-order after fo76 is absolutely bonkers to me

well. yeah. i know people don't like to hear it, because it'd be really nice if games shipped actually finished or not incredibly bug-ridden Day 1, but for most people the protest of not preordering a game so it'll shipped finish just... doesn't register as a concern. unless the game is so broken it's actively unplayable (see the recent Gollum game) most people can hang with whatever happens Day 1 and it's not a super big deal to them, nor is the principle of a playable game on launch. this is a case of online sentiment being a vocal but clear minority.

Yep!!! A game forum is a subsection of a subsection of people who actually play video games on the regular. The biggest groups of “gamers” are people like my cousin who buy the new FIFA, NBA2k and COD that come out every year.

On top of this Bethesda is one of the biggest game companies out there. It’s easy to forget because Skyrim was forever ago, but that game was so fucking huge that people I knew who didn’t care a single lick about video games asked me when “the dragon game” was coming out and if I was gonna get it and if they should get it too. I’m already getting messages from non-gaming friends asking me when starfield is coming out. The game’s gonna be explosive in popularity when it drops.

Yeah but Bethesda?! Release a big ridden game? Unthinkable.


1 more...

$70, I guess this is the world we live in now. Can't wait for the next price hike!

I guess I'll become a PatientGamer™

Back when I was young, most games cost around $50. But back then they were 1/100th the size and complexity they are now, had absolutely no post-launch support whatsoever, and and even “AAA” titles used pixel art. They didn’t even have voice acting.

If I adjust for inflation alone, no other factors, a $50 game from back then would be $91 today.

I’m not happy about the price increase, but I certainly understand it and can’t really blame anyone for it. Frankly, I’m surprised this didn’t happen many years ago.

Personally, I’ve been a patient gamer for a while - welcome! It’s great here.

I've thought about this before, and you're definitely right that games are technically cheaper when you factor in inflation. However, they sell to a much larger audience now, so it's not like the major studios are starving. Even so, I would probably be fine with it, if it weren't for the tendency to:

  1. include microtransactions, rather than achievements
  2. sell dlc that should have just been part of the game
  3. Release the same uninspired crap every year (call of duty, sports ball 2023, etc.)
  4. sell broken games

I'm guessing this one will be #4. Hoping to be wrong.

I definitely agree with you on 1, 3 and 4. Personally I haven’t even looked at Starfield because of the patient gamer thing, I’ll try it out in a few years or whenever it’s on sale / has enough buzz.

I do kind of defend a lot of dlc though. Some of it is predatory as fuck, but some of it just massively expands a game’s lifespan and you end up with massively more support/content in a post-dlc world than we ever got without it.

It just depends on if they’re selling Horse Armor, or if it’s a game that keeps getting major content patches for 10 years because it’s being supported by dlc. Both happen. Of course, given that “horse armor” is literally something Bethesda did…well…

I don't think anyone's arguing DLC is completely bad. DLC done properly is awesome, and I way prefer it to the tendency to re-release a game annually. However, it's absolutely been co-opted to gate off random bits of content behind a paywall. Any DLC released day one (or near to it) is literally just base game content that they thought they could get away with charging for.

Welcome to the PatientGamer™ club! Nobody can really claim to be starved of good games. Play a few year old acclaimed games then come back! Starfield will be baked (optimised and modded) to perfection.

Add in emulators and I really have more games to play than I have time for them.

I'm fine with price hike, inflation is a thing.

The problem is the lack of quality and polish you'd expect from such games. Not to mention other forms of monetization they try to shoehorn in at the cost of user experience.

Not that it matters much to me, I'm patient and can wait until it's much cheaper and hopefully polished.

I'm going to feel absolutely no sympathy and simply laugh at anyone who bought the game and gets upset about how shitty it is.

The funniest thing is seeing the rage from Star Citizen fanboys about all this. They keep saying "it'll be buggy and awful on release" like SC isn't already. I know with Bethesda, they'll fix it up and the modders will go wild with patches and add ins, delivering all the stuff Chris Roberts said they would. Meanwhile, I try and play Star Citizen and i've died or failed a mission due to glitches any time i've tried to play this past week.

Modders shouldn't have to fix Bethesda's mess. And I don't trust Bethesda.

Star Citizen still has fanboys?

Star Citizen delivers just enough to keep people super invested, their recent server rework is actually a really cool addition but every time I consider trying to play it again I realize how shallow and broken it is as a videogame.

As a Star Citizen fanboy, Starfield looks amazing and I can't wait to play it! The more space games the better.

This have looks fabulous to me, but there's no way I'm preordering. I don't have a lot of experience with Bethesda, but I thought the overall picture painted was a pretty gorgeous one. Hopefully they can deliver. That being said, I just started playing Fallout76 about two weeks ago, so I don't mind waiting until they work sone things out. Overall though, what they are promising looks incredible. Probably too good to be true :)

SkillUp said it quite nicely; Never preorder, never ever preorder. And finally, never preorder.

Yes, but I'd also like to add that you should never pre-order, and also that you shouldn't preorder.

When will they learn that their actions have consequences? Star field is going to be a fucking disaster lol.

Wish people would wait to see what the game is actually like rather than blindly trusting a corporation.. Consumerism sucks

I don't really get the pre-order game market. Tired it once and turned out to be a complete disaster. The game was Batman Arkham Knight. That game should have been a crime to sell in that condition.

Especially with starfield. It is day one on gamepass so the only reason to pre-purchase is for early access and special editions. The game looks like it could be good or fall flat but I can spend $1 for a month of gamepass to find out for myself.

Hell if it's what they promised and isn't broken as fuck a couple weeks after launch, I'll pay full price.

I'm definitely gonna let the beta testers speed run it first so I can find out if they've just massively lied to us (only 200 worlds or some shit, space isn't fully open but just a bunch of pre-chosen "instances" you warp to and can't leave, etc.) Before I even give it a thought, though.

Day one reviews are worthless too, even the non-corporate shill YouTubers still haven't really gotten to play enough to be making assessments on day 1 and we all know it. They speed through the tutorial and then declare it a 7/10 cause they have to beat IGN to the front page.

Two weeks, see if it's worth the price, go from there.

Damn it, what ever happened to no pre-orders. People never learn, do they?

Or they just don't care what niche communities think about pre-ordering and they just play their games and enjoy them?

I've preordered because GMG has a 20% off offer that I reckon is unlikely to be beaten before launch and I want to play on launch day, not some months later when there might or might not be a sale. Yeah, I'm impatient with games that vaguely resemble my dream game I've been thinking of since the original Elite on my Speccy :) But I'm also prepared for bugs and jank and needing mods to round out the game.

People never agreed to that. It's not like a lot of these people hang out in communities where we drill this again and again.

Am I the only one not excited for this game? It looks boring

I want it to be good but my hopes aren't super high. "1000 procedurally generated planets" is a MASSIVE red flag to me, and unless Bethesda pulls off a miracle there's no way that the core gameplay elements won't be spread just as thin as the world is. It's the fundamental issue with "do everything!" games, what motivation is there to play the game with ok space combat, exploration, gunaplay and character writing when I can pick the elements interests me and find games where those are the core focus.

Most of Bethesda's games become much better with mods. This will probably be pretty good in a few years.

Thats fair - everyone has their own view and idea of fun.

I’m sincerely asking, what looks boring to you?

I just do not think it’s going to be everything people are making it out to be. It looks like a pretty basic space game and nothing more. You explore planets and collect items and go on missions. There was nothing original/new that hadn’t been done before

i dunno man, what new shit do you want out of a space game?

if it works as advertised, 1000 planets and space combat/dog fighting seems dope to me

like, i played a lot of NMS, and there is practically nothing to do in that game. i wont hold my breath but it looks pretty sweet

Just seems like it’s a bunch of ideas thinned out in a large game. Just one of those things where you could play games that specialize in that one area or a couple of em and do it better

Honestly. It looked vaguely like space fallout. People seem to forget the role mods played and lack of other exciting games at the time older titles released. Todds got mad late-stage George Lucas energy and i dont fall for it for a second.

I don't get the appeal of preordering a game months before it comes out when there isn't even a discount for doing so. At least Steam has 2 hour returns, but why money upfront so far away from release?

pirate it 1st -and if its good buy it later -im gonna bet the bugs are gonna be their on launch . its bethesda we are talking about .we shure as hell dont want another fallout 76 .be smart and dont pre order a game on day one

I'm starting to get excited about this one now. Although I don't trust Bethesda enough to actually pull the trigger on a preorder. And I still have no man's sky to keep me happy for now.

Any game where you can be a space trucker is always gonna get a try from me.

Another proof for publishers that they only need big promises and nice trailers to sell their game, nevermind the state they ship it in

Preordering is dumb, preordering in 2023 when it's 50/50 whether any given PC port is going to be a total mess is dumb

speaking of space games, how's Everspace 2? I enjoyed the first one and I know the second is not the same at all, but I have an itch and perhaps Everspace 2 could scratch it

Everspace 2 is great, I'm happy to be an early adopter and backer of it. The story is great, the gameplay is perfect and there's like +80 hours of content. The combat is as good as the first, but a bit more varied with the builds you can create. I highly recommend it! :D

I loved Everspace 2. I think if you enjoyed the gameplay of the first one, it's a good bet you'll enjoy it.

No way am I going to pre-order a game in this era of half baked releases and especially not a game from Bethesda which is as well known for their rampant bugs as their compelling gameplay

won't preorder, but i so do hope that it's gonna be good and worth the wait ...

Freelancer is one of my all time favorites along with Privateer…

If only the guy who made both was doing something worthwhile.

It looks good in the marketing (it always does) but we should all remember that it’s Bethesda making this. Then again, I can’t even name a developer that I would say “hell yeah, this is gonna be awesome!” at this point. The very sad state of the industry.

Then again, I can’t even name a developer that I would say “hell yeah, this is gonna be awesome!” at this point.

Valve hasn't let me down yet. Neither with Software nor with Hardware. Aside from the Index I preordered everything they did since HL2.

Valve and any Miyazaki game for me. Only time I've ever been "let down" is Dark Souls 2 and even then I still enjoy a playthrough of it every couple years so it's not a real low point to me.

FromSoftware and Nintendo? As far as I know, their games are both successful and polished. You might not like their games, of course, but if you do it seems like a safe bet.

The team behind the Yakuza / Like a Dragon-games never disappointed me before. That’s one of the few developers / game series that I’m happy to support in advance.

Cdpr used to be the one for me even with Witcher 3 release, but with 2077 it was another whole level, specially the way they robbed the devs of the bonuses.

CDPR was probably everyone's go to of a AAA dev that hadn't yet been corrupted by money. Unfortunately with Cyberpunk 2077 we found out the hard way that yes, they had indeed been corrupted by said money. They single-handily managed to annihilate any sort of reputation they had gained over the many years of their studio, then managed to squander all of that in less than a few days. As the saying goes, slow to rise, quick to fall.

I mean to be fair, with CDPR, their games were always buggy messes on initial release... and I say this as a huge fan of their games. Go back and look at Witchers 1-3... all of those had huge issues when they came out. But, the reason CDPR is held in such high regard is because unlike Bethesda and others, they worked their butts off on all of those post-release to improve and expand them. The final products of the Witcher franchise games are so good its easy to forget how many problems they had on release.

I would say Rockstar Games ist one of the few thats left here. I was never disappointed by new Games they produced.

By saying "new" and "produced", you are deliberately excluding the GTA Trilogy remaster I assume, because that is definitely a Rockstar Games mess.

Wasn't that outsourced technically?

That's not much of a defense. They outsourced the project and either: did not even peek at the product at any point of development (or when ready to ship) or they did review it, and found it acceptable enough to launch.

No matter how you cut it, R* severely fucked up.

To be fair, I haven't watched the new trailer yet, but I'd never pre-order a Bethesda game. I don't know if I'm even interested in it on release, might wait for mods etc.

I also feel like I remember some of the devs saying they "needed more time because they didn't want to be the next cyberpunk" which honestly doesn't feel like the devs have full faith in their own project? I don't know. Either way, I'm happy to wait and see.

Yeah, and it also costs 70. Not gonna buy it at that price that's for sure.

Like watching moths to a flame. Bug-thesda is going to do what it always does; Ship a quarter of a product and fix it over years. I'd call it No Mans Sky syndrome but Elder Scrolls / Fallout has dealt with it longer.

I found out payday 3 was announced from this post, so thanks I guess.

As much as I enjoyed PD2, even bought the Ultimate Edition when it included all future DLC, the developer keeps claiming they will go bankrupt if they don't do each unethical consumer practice.

After them needing to reneg on the already sold Ultimate Edition's to fund the second half of development of PD3, now that I have seen it and its just an update to PD2 with dated graphics, I don't think I can do it again.

My friend bought PD2 on console and was burnt as well, that version didn't get updated and the playerbase tanked.

Honestly, what overkill is doing is much better than the subscription and gambling bullshit we get nowadays. You can see what you buy before doing so and if you choose not to, you can still play the game and none of what you bought will ever be taken away.

I paid about 40€ for 250 hours of fun with PD2, that's much better than any season pass game.

I don't know if they can reasonably judge the game within the 2 hours frame for refund. (Some game now do a very long shader compilation that can eat 30 minutes of your time.) The tutorial/beginning stage of the game are usually the most polished, but the latter part of the game could become very hollow.

They are going to get themselves cyberpunk'd.

People still preorder games at full price even after all the controversies... Ngl the game looks sexy and may be a big hit but the price is a big no

I won't lie I only preordered because I wanted the 5 day early play. My excuse though is that I literally have not preordered a game since we still needed to get them from Gamestop and I've been waiting for Starfield for like 5 years now.

Yea I mean, no wonder the companies have no incentive to avoid a broken day one release. The internet never learns.

I don't really get how people's problem with Bethesda is bugs and glitches, which are completely solvable, and not the writing that makes you want to remove some brain tissue from your skull so that it doesn't bother you that much

Id guess that 76 was a big catalyst in that.
Since it was an online game you couldn't load community patches,
so people where kinda forced to stare it in the face.

In addition to that, the perception of AAA games kinda shifted in general.

From Blockbusters with incredible production value, to overhyped and unfinished bug ridden messes.

So Bethesda gets lot more flak now for having so many bugs, even tho almost none are game breaking

I don't think anyone really plays a Bethesda game for the story, it's more about the open world experience that almost no other game can scratch the itch.

I get that, maybe I simply don't have that itch to scratch.

For me at least, an open world is almost pointless if there is no meaningful storytelling of some kind. Meaningful storytelling doesn't necessarily equals to good writing. BOTW to me has an awesome storytelling because of the way its game and narrative design make your journey the story. Just wondering around in Hyrule creates a story without needing complex quests and NPCs. New Vegas on the other hand puts you in a world with several factions you can interact with and NPCs with awesomely written quests you can approach in different subtle ways that impact how the quest goes, and while you do so it shows you how it all impacts the lives of normal people living in the wasteland.

Skyrim just doesn't do that, and it's ok. If I wanted to find cool loot, level up and fight big monsters, that would be the perfect game but it's just not for me. To each their own I guess, there's plenty of games for everyone to enjoy!

You can patch bugs but a buggy game will never be like Factorio. Also, fanmade fixes tend to introduce some wonkyness.

Their quest/story writing has definitely fallen off a cliff but I think it's done to serve their bad game design. Or it goes hand in hand. Frankly I just don't think Skyrim or FO4 were particularly good examples of the genre and probably won't buy more Bethesda RPGs, but we'll see.

I guess I'm biased as someone who started on Skyrim, but that's my point of comparison for games anymore. Fallout 3 was awesome, but honestly when FO4 came out, going back to play FO3 was hard due to how clunky it was in comparison. I know FO4 fell flat with it's character decisions and voiced protagonist but it really didn't ruin the game like it did for lots of people.

Disclosure: I never finished the earlier TES games, because Skyrim coddled me I guess. lol

I'm biased in the opposite way since I started with Fallout New Vegas, but to me FO3 wasn't THAT good either. It's a good game, but its narrative design is still mediocre. FO4 was a really good upgrade in terms of gunplay, but I hated the story, side quests and the changes to the perks system.

To me, Bethesda games feel like big worlds with lots of quests and items, but completely flat narratively and thematically/philosophically.

Can my space horse walk vertically up a space mountain? If not, I’m out.

Stuff like this is the reason game companies continue to release unfinished games, they're breaking even before they even release. Stop pre-ordering games people!

If this gets us another Internet Historian video on the fallout, then this is worth it.

  • Pun unintended.

His video was great. Not sure if anyone noticed when they were showcasing the game they were showing console games and cut off right before they fully showed F76 LMAO

I wasn't that hyped until the latest showcase but all I could think watching it was that I can't wait to see what modders do with it now.

$70 for a Bethesda game that will come out broken is just insane to me. I'll pick it up a year or so after release at a discount when the game is actually decent

IDK about a year for me personally, as when it doesn’t massively disappoint when it comes out I will likely get it as soon as I have anything resembling a free day. Nothing like cracking into a new game after you know it won’t disappoint and you have post of time to loose yourself.

Nah Bethesda games are best left alone until the modders get a solid crack at it to shore up bugs and add features that probably should've been in the base game. Give that shit at least half a year imo

I played Oblivion and Skyrim right at release and had a good time with both (more with Oblivion though).

I played Gothic 1, 2 and 3 though, so I am used to games with really ugly bugs. The ones where your saved stage can get corrupted in a way that you have to load one from several hours back to correct a mistake to be able to proceed. So my threshold might be higher.

Gothic 3 was so broken it was impossible to get it to even run on my PC.

It took me 8 years but I finally got a refund when the Australian Consumer Commission won against Valve over their anti-consumer practices.

The game looks promising, from what i have seen.

Few questions remain: Will it dethrone Jedi Survivor as worst performing game? Will it surpass Redfall in it's emptyness? Does it have a chance fighting LOTR Gollum in "Most 2023ish game of the year"? Or will it truly be a Masterpiece? (Hint: Masterpieces don't get released in 2023).

We will find out at release. Together with those that preorderd.

To be fair, I haven't watched the new trailer yet, but I'd never pre-order a Bethesda game. I don't know if I'm even interested in it on release, might wait for mods etc.

I also feel like I remember some of the devs saying they "needed more time because they didn't want to be the next cyberpunk" which honestly doesn't feel like the devs have full faith in their own project? I don't know. Either way, I'm happy to wait and see.

Preordering is bad. Preordering a Bethesda game is worse.

Imagine putting your trust in bethesda of all things.

Pre-ordering Bethesda games is like proposing to an abusive ex

Rule 1 of Bethesda. Don't pre order Rule 1 if space games. Don't pre order

did no one learn from No Man's Sky at launch like??

I can see why after how many features and gameplay footage they showed off in the deep dive. If its not a buggy mess at launch they can have my 70$, but i refuse to pre order any modern games.

It'd be bad enough if this were just another AAA over hyped deal.

This is literally Bethesda. What are these people smoking?

They probably don't care about the issues. Unless it's Cyberpunk levels of bad, I'll probably play it on day one

Cyberpunk wasn't even that bad to be honest, except on last gen consoles and the reviews said as much. (When the reviews came out the day before release day. Nice embargo from CDprojekt.)

I played on PC day one and never had any gamebreaking bugs, just a few hilarious NPC clipping incidents.

It was unplayable on my current gen console.

Gotta be honest, if Cyberpunk "wasn't that bad" then Bethesda games should be getting praised for how few bugs they have

The console experience was drastically different from the PC experience. On PC it was a decent game from the start, imho, even with the clear design issues.

That said, ridiculous that CDPR or anyone would have shipped it in that state for other systems.

I've been buying Bethesda RPGs without waiting for reviews since 2007. They've all had their rough spots but not a single one has disappointed me. Despite their issues I put hundreds of hours into each one and enjoyed them all. I see no reason to think this won't be the same, and have no problem betting $70 on it. I pre-ordered last night on Xbox.

Preordering has literally zero advantages.

Sometimes artificial ones like preload but thats negligible in our modern tech era.

Preordering has advantages. When you live in a shithole country like me, you know that release prices can be a double or even triple of preorder price, because of your currency losing its worth so much, nearly everyday. So you are going to have to take that risk.

I see. That's a niche in which it can have a financial benefit then.

Doesn't apply to most markets I'd wager.

I think in that situation I'd probably sit it out and pirate. Wait for the price to drop/stabilize if you really want a license.

Pirating is not an option I think if you are using Linux like me. Waiting most of the time means more expensive price, not drop/stabilize. Btw I am just commenting to give you a new perspective I didn't preorder it :)

No i gotcha, it totally makes sense from that point of view.

Had no clue linux piracy was more difficult.

A lot of cracks just straight up don't work on linux, unfortunately.

This game looked like trash from the announcement trailer, anyone lining up to pre-order a Bethesda game though, what can you do? Some people want to get their pockets picked.

What about it did you not like? Was there things you thought were bad decisions or was it just not your thing?

i will say, one of my favorite parts about bethesda games is that basically everybody agrees going in that this game is not gonna be anywhere close to done. we're all gonna see a fuckton of bugs and it'll be the subject of ridicule for years. but, still, we will all unflinchingly call it one of the best games ever.

Because it will be. For as much shit as Bethesda receives from "gamers", there is literally no game that scratches the itch the same way Elder Scrolls and Fallout does. No one even comes close.

It's honestly so weird to me how the narrative has changed. IDK why people are so angry about them all the time. Gamers are fueled by rage now.

Is this game going to be free on PC Game Pass?

I pre-ordered, but really only for the really cool watch and case. I forgot the game comes with it, although I like what I see so far. Fallout in space(ish).

Don't you only get the watch and case when you get the like, $300 version? The watch was super cool but I can't reason with myself to spend that kinda money on the game gear if I don't end up liking the game itself in the end. I do really love the watch, though...

Never actually pre-ordered anything, anyway.

Yeah, I've always wanted a special edition of a game and the watch was so cool. It's a lot of money, sure, but it's a dream I've had since I saw how cool the Halo 3 special edition looked. Everything kinda lined up for this one. The game might not be the best out the gate, but I'm sure it will improve in time. I've enjoyed every Bethesda game I've played so far and they have some of the best mods out there because of the great community around their games.

Honestly, more power to you then! I'm glad you got to do something you've always wanted -- I agree it's super cool and I think that physical collector items are the one exception for me if I was to pre-order something. I'll be forever jealous of your watch!

Thank you for the kind words! Let's see if anyone out in public ever notices haha!

Glad to see that the game has plenty of unpaid beta testers. I'll still wait for a sale (if it's any good)

Glad to see that the game has plenty of unpaid paying beta testers.


Thats is pretty gross. Why is that the greater community continues to pre-order everything!

Because for the most part we know we are going to be buying it before it goes on sale anyways and preordering it generally lets us preload it and gives you some extras (that generally are not worth anything in game but still cool to have). The big thing for me, especially with this game, is that preordering it gets me a Sept1 release which is right before the weekend and I can proload it with the leftover data to help prevent a datacap in September.

I have not preordered it yet... but I will.

If releasing broken games wasn't profitable, then it wouldn't happen. The vast majority of people don't read reviews or keep up with scummy industry practices etc.

A cousin of mine bought sonic boom on release and was super happy with it. They never finished it or were aware of the controversy whatsoever.