6 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Product Designer

Agreed. It sucks that a lack of good mod tools forced this to happen. Having multiple passwords and accounts isn’t a great experience.

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I do not recommend getting attached to Reddit Is Fun, although it is a great app.

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He didn’t pay his taxes, he got caught, he paid up and now he’s on probation. Seems like he was held accountable.

Give it time. Big communities will form, and unlike Reddit, there will be more competition between them. You won’t just have one group of mods squatting over “Apple” or “Android” because they registered it first.

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Defederation wouldn’t bother me so much if there was one decent unified user experience that would allow me to quickly pogo stick between separate instances and inboxes.

I’m on iOS, and Mlem is building that out, but the experience is still pretty early in development.

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Lots of weird incorrect answers in the comments. MS 100% has changed CPU architectures and needs to emulate old games. The 360 was basically a PowerMac.

My guess - the Xbox One’s launch catalog was trash, and MS doubled down on emulation to build it out. Then they never stopped. They kept plugging away at it, and now they have a giant asset for GamePass.

MS got a head start because they were desperate for good games in the early days on the One.f

Link to the study and infographics

And here is the historical data chart

My 2¢ as someone who runs a lot of sentiment surveys…

I could be wrong, but the Dem dip feels like it could be normal survey noise. It seems to go up and down about 4 to 5% from the historical trend line. Also, progressives are kind of a bit more of a noisy respondent group. You have less old folks, less land lines, less people with the time / energy to talk to researchers.

The GOP dip though… that looks like it’s abnormal compared to the historical trend line.

This has to be a joke, right? Digg is basically just an editor controlled blog that reposts the top of r/all these days.

Also… Slashdot? It’s it 1999?

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I wonder what is going to happen on Lemmy when we don't have reddit stories to rant about

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Now that Facebook has signed up about everyone in the planet that’s willing to sign up, they’re going to double down on growing by milking the folks they already have.

That means more short form crack content and less stuff of substance.

Can someone explain like I’m 5 for the new folks here what this means in terms of the user experience?

What are the restrictions around viewing and commenting on posts?

Does this impact, for example, beehaw to the same way as to beehaw?

What mod tools would beehaw need to remain federated?

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Not a great day for social media. Twitter down, Reddit has not 3rd party apps, Lemmy is being hugged to death by people bailing Reddit and Twitter.

I guess I’ll go outside.

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It looks like I can still see new beehaw content in instances like LW. Also, I can POST to beehaw communities in LW. For example: Beehaw folks didn't see this post to beehaw News, but LW folks did.

Isn't this super dangerous? Couldn't I post a bunch of hateful content under a beehaw community flag that a large portion of the Lemmy user base would see. What's stopping trolls from posting ! and making it look like c/lgbtq_plus is a place for lgbtq+ hate?

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Step 4. Delete your lifehacker page that mentions you once had a Reddit account.

Echo chambers that reinforce the lie that democrats want to take your money to pay for irresponsible people’s children.

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If you’re going all in on smart home shit, you should ALWAYS buy the products that work when the internet goes out, or when the local IoT network shits out.

Example, fuck Hue lights. Gets Caseta switches that are wired in and can be used like real switches. Don’t get a smart lock that requires a phone or a wireless pays. Get one that also has a keypad that is hardwired directly into the lock and has a normal key hole. Carry the key just incase.

The GOP jump seems notable and steep, but the Democratic dip feels like it’s in line with the normal noise and variance that you get with a reoccurring survey.

You’re going to get normal peaks and valleys with a reoccurring survey. The respondent pools are never identical year over year. And with progressives, who skew younger and don’t answer phone surveys, you’re going to have even more noise.

Just like the GOP with climate change. Full on aggressive denialism is back on the menu. Now that people are in echo chambers, reality can be whatever you want it to be.

Why do people keep saying the NIF experiment was a net gain? People focus on the laser input at the end of the line, which was 20MJ and produced 25MJ. But the input power to charge the capacitors was 422MJ.

The whole experiment produced 5% of what was put in.

Can some explain why I can see beehaw content in, and I can comment on it? Do those comments just get filtered out if I’m viewing on the beehaw instance?

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This guy grinds

I think the point is that there was also a dip with Dems. But IMHO, as someone who runs a lot of surveys for a living, the key it to look at the overall trend line, not one data point. And the overall democratic trend line over the past few years seems to have some noise in it that vacillates + or - 5% from the trend line.

The GOP line though… that feels like a change from historical trend line.

Some, but it’s open source and a lot of people have day jobs. I’ve wanted to contribute to some things that are annoying me, but after work, exercise, taking the dog out, and making dinner, I have like 2 hours of my time…. so it’s hard to rally.

As other noted, this is not true. The early 360 development kits were literally PowerMac towers purchased from Apple.

360 games require emulation, and MS has been slowing plugging away at expanding its emulation library for years. None of this was easy.

Ahh, that make sense now. Super confusing though. New users are going to think that content is coming from beehaw, but it’s not. Yikes.

Love - auto health or shield regen. When I first experienced that in Halo it made me instantly hate other games that didn’t have some form of that mechanic.

I hate managing health inventory items. It breaks gameplay flow with tedious bullshit that isn’t nearly as fun as focusing on the a combat mechanic.

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Given beehaw’s focus on building safe spaces and supportive communities, a community for people in addiction recovery might be a good addition.

Some of those subs in Reddit were / are pretty big, have helped a lot of people, and have saved a lot of lives.

I wonder how much of this caving in was, because a lot of lame mods were worried about losing their past time and or control over large communities.

There are a lot of little Lukashenkos out there that will immediately cave to a bully as long as they’re allowed to remain in control.

The original Xbox, Xbox One, and S/X are all basically x86 PCs, but the 360 was basically a Power Mac. Microsoft was literally using PowerMac G5 towers as early development kits for the 360.

Supporting 360 games is pretty time consuming and requires emulation. MS has been slowly chipping away at it for years.

100% has this happen today. Wanted and answer, the only answer was on Reddit, and the Google link was busted.


edit: apparently I don't know how to use Lemmy's header markup

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I can’t believe the mods are going to prevent us from commenting with our handles.

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Many suspect this one has been trapped in licensing hell.

Not news? IMHO, it’s obviously news. Enough people noticed that Google’s search results were popping the bed that it got picked up by Reuters, NPR, CNN, etc.

That said, the News mods could’ve merged all these stories into one sticky thread. A lot of other mods did that.

The concern is that, if you go to LW and are still subbed to beehaw communities over there, you can still post to those communities. Beehaw users will never see those posts from LW, and LW users will never see new posts from BH users, BUT LW users will see LW posts to the old community appendage.

Meaning, you can now effectively impersonate a beehaw community on LW after it has been de-federated.

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Yeah, this is kind of a confusing mess. I'm totally lost. I just posted to a beehaw community from, and a bunch of people on replied.

That seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Doesn't this effectively create beehaw branded communities on LW with no beehaw community content within them?

And are those de-federated posts and comments unmoderated?

How do people prevent an instance like LW from flying completely toxic content under a "beehaw" community's flag?

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Adding on a bit more. There is a particular need for safe secular recovery spaces. Spaces that will welcome people of all faiths and none.


Except the app is very very early in development and is missing a LOT of features.