Tips for a long-lost android user to – 95 points –

Kia ora!

I've been an ios user for 100 years at this point, but used to be deep in the android scene before then. I've just got an android for a work phone and am wondering what's changed in the last 10 years - what are your essential apps, settings, customisations? I've had a hunt around xda but can't seem to find much in the way of roms for my model (Samsung A04) - back in the day it seemed there was a thread for every device!

What do I need to know?


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I do not recommend getting attached to Reddit Is Fun, although it is a great app.

Infinity is still pretty good, and my understanding is that it could easily be updated to support the free individual API keys Reddit is supposedly going to still support.

I believe it would be against the ToS of Reddit to do so, so I would hold my breath for it...

I'm not really sure, to be honest. I guess I'll see what some of the Infinity people say. Even if it's not an option, I'm here on Lemmy.

Yeah the API limits are meant to be per client. So developing one client and then telling end users to go get their own API keys is going to cause problems. Potentially pulled from app stores and hit with lawsuits type problems.

Infinity is on F-droid, and if emulators (think BIOS files) demonstrate anything, it's entirely possible to pass liability to end-users through mechanisms like that.