For the newbies, why do I still see new beehaw posts in, and why will let me post to beehaw? to Beehaw – 8 points –

I’m honestly super confused about what you can and can’t do when federation ties have been cut.


Our posts still show up in their instance up until the point of defederation. But their comments/posts in the Beehaw communities are only viewable to their users/other users and are not visible/sync to the Beehaw instance.

It's just posts from before the defederation though, right?

Edit: Yeah, for clarity, they shouldn't see any of our new community posts from that point. They should still see all the historical content from our community up until that point. Then they'll only see stuff they post into it from their instance. That's my understanding at least.

If I sort by New in, I still see posts that just went up within the hour.

Weird. Clearly what I read in another thread on this same topic must've just been speculation. It's good to be having these discussions because there are still a lot of confusing things about the Fediverse that aren't very clear.

Yeah, this is kind of a confusing mess. I'm totally lost. I just posted to a beehaw community from, and a bunch of people on replied.

That seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Doesn't this effectively create beehaw branded communities on LW with no beehaw community content within them?

Super weird. So’s view of beehaw c/technology could just be littered with troll or spam posts for all beehaw users would know?

Precisely. It could be filled with trash from their point of view but we would see none of it. They'll stop seeing any content in our community posted by our members from the point of defederation.

Wonder what happens when/if we turn the federation on again? I'm guessing their versions will be replaced by our true ones?

So, for example, on beehaw, c/Feminism could be full of feminists, and on another instance, beehaw's c/Feminism could be full of posts and comments of people hating on feminists?

Sounds like it should be limited to comments on old posts. Are new posts showing over there too?

So here is how it works. Once you are de-federated, you can still post to existing beehaw communities, however those discussions will only be visible to other users on your own instance. Other instances will not see the discussions such as the $1.2B fish barricade article Look at the new posts under or, they are synced with Beehaw's, and the version of Beehaw news within is now it's own thing until re-federation. Vice versa for Beehaw to lemmyworld communities

And are those de-federated posts and comments unmoderated?

How do people prevent an instance like LW from flying completely toxic content under a "beehaw" community's flag?

It might appear so, at least within Lemmyworld. From here I'm speculating, but there still is a report button. If that goes to Beehaw's mods and admins then it will be annoying for them but at least users outside of Lemmyworld won't be exposed to it. If it goes to Lemmyworld mods then they can also weed out the unscrupulous users.

Seems like this effectively creates a community wide version of twitter's verification check removal.

Depending upon what instance you're using to view a community, you could be getting fed disinformation or hate speech and not know it. No?

Not exactly, because it's not like mods are on vacation, and I don't know what incentive trolls would have to post somewhere they can't get a rise out of most people or spew their propaganda.

I do think there's got to be a more prominently displayed flag when within a community that is currently defederated.

100% agree with the bottom statement. There needs to be a way to say that this is not content from beehaw.

As for modding though… since federation was severed, wouldn’t someone like a beehaw c/lgbtq_plus mod not be able to touch content that was being posted to on the LW instance?

Couldn’t it just turn into a shit show of people impersonating communities within an instance?

I'll try to get some information on it from the admins, whether reports propagate to the hosted instance, the post's instance (and whether it still works after de-fed) or both.

In any case the admins should ban misbehaving and impersonating users.

Is there some sort of conflict resolution that happens at re-federation? I'm curious what happens to those unsynced posts/comments.

As far as I understand it, at the point of re-federation and discovery, posts only from then on are synced again. Previous posts during the period of defederation do not fill's version of the Beehaw community.